Offers new shortcuts for Facebook Messenger users!

Meta’s instant messaging application Messenger adds many features with its new update. The application has recently brought the long-awaited end-to-end encryption feature. Messenger will now help users have a more comfortable experience by bringing many shortcuts.

The first thing that attracted attention in the update was the functions that the application received from its rival platforms. So, what are the new features in the update offered by Facebook Messenger and what will they do? Let’s take a look at the details of the news together.

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Messenger also took a shortcut from Slack!

The most striking feature announced by Facebook Messenger was the “@everyone” shortcut. This feature alerts members after sending the “@everyone” message to a group, allowing the message to be seen by everyone. The newly added “@everyone” shortcut to Messenger is currently used as “@channel” with the same functionality in the Slack app.

One of the other features that Messenger brought was the “/silent” shortcut. This feature allows the user to be invisible to people without sending notifications to anyone. @everyone and /silent shortcuts will be available on Android and iOS devices after the update starting today.

Apart from the new features, iOS users will use the “/gif” shortcut to access the gifs directly. Again, iOS users will use the commands “/shrug and /tableflip” respectively for the expressions ¯_(ツ)_/¯ and (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻︎┻. In addition, Meta will allow users to transfer money and transfer money via Messenger in the coming days. It will also offer the “/pay” shortcut, which is an electronic payment system that will allow it to make payments.

What do you, our readers, think about this issue? How are the new functions of Facebook Messenger? You can express your thoughts in the comments section or on the SDN Forum.

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