Nissan Announces Electricity Transition Plans to 2030

Nissan, which wants to accelerate its electrical transformation, announced the money it will spend in the next 5 years. Although the statements made by the company were effective for consumers, they did not please investors. So much so that the company’s shares lost 5.6 percent after the announcement.

One of Japan’s leading automotive manufacturers Nissanmade a very important statement at an event he organized. In this event, the company, which explained for the first time how it will provide electricity transformation, by 2030 He also told me what to do. If Nissan puts these targets into practice without delay, we can easily say that the company’s position in the sector will be much better than it is now.

In the next 5 years, Nissan will $18 billion will spend. This expenditure will be made solely for accelerating the electricity conversion. The announced money seems to allow Nissan to close the gap between companies that have spent years budgeting for electric vehicles. Because the budget allocated by the company for the electricity conversion, more than twice as many competitors. How will this affect the consumer?

15 fully electric vehicles to be announced by 2030

In the statements made by Nissan; total by 2030 23 pieces The vehicle with the electrical infrastructure will be announced. Of these 15 of them It will be fully electric. The company will also reduce lithium-ion battery costs by 65 percent in the next 8 years. In this way, the tools have become available to everyone over the years. at affordable prices will begin to own. Company, “will change the rules of the gameIt will implement its new generation batteries until March 2029.


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Nissan’s statements did not please investors

The statements made by Nissan are more than enough for individual consumers. it was impressive. However, the situation was not so for investors. Because the stock lot values ​​of the company, after the decision 5.6 percent suffered a loss in value. Industry sources say that Nissan is too late for the electric revolution, even the $18 billion investment is the difference. can’t turn it off they announced. But some analysts say the stock drops aren’t exclusive to Nissan, that the coronavirus omicron due to its new variant named environment of uncertainty they are said to occur. Time will tell which approach is right…

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