Microsoft Edge will offer video translation feature!

Microsoft discussed the artificial intelligence features that will come to its services, including Windows and Copilot, as part of the event it held the other day. In this context Microsoft Edge The browser will also be updated. The browser will gain real-time video translation support.

Microsoft is adding some artificial intelligence features to Edge. Although most of them will be offered to business accounts, it is possible to say that some features stand out. Chief among these is real-time translation support for videos. Played in Microsoft Edge browser Real-time subtitling and dubbing of videos It will bring up the option.

YouTube video

Thanks to artificial intelligence support, the browser will process video content on sites such as YouTube, LinkedIn and TikTok. In this context, it will automatically translate the spoken words into different languages. It was stated that initial support will be between Spanish, English, German, Hindi and Italian. Microsoft plans to add more languages ​​over time.

Artificial intelligence in Windows!  What will Copilot+ PC change?  (Video)Artificial intelligence in Windows!  What will Copilot+ PC change?  (Video)

Artificial intelligence in Windows! What will Copilot+ PC change? (Video)

Microsoft announced Copilot+ PC. Artificial intelligence in Windows! What will Copilot+ PC change? It’s all in our video!

On the other hand, Microsoft Edge’s security features continues to develop. Accordingly, companies will be provided with screenshot blocking support. This will prevent sensitive information viewed on Edge from being stored.

Edge will also gain the ability to detect outdated browser versions used in businesses. Administrators will be able to learn about Edge versions that do not receive security updates. Thus, it will be possible to update business computers in bulk.


Video translation support, screenshot prevention, and update management are expected to become available for Microsoft Edge in the coming days. It is unclear when it will be available to individual users.

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