NASA Will Send Helicopter Vehicle to Titan to Find Life

NASA will examine Saturn’s moon Titan with a car-sized vehicle with eight propellers. The mission will begin in 2028.

One of the places in the Solar System that may harbor life is Saturn’s moon. Titan. NASA will send a spacecraft to Titan with the mission called Dragonfly. The vehicle to be sent will have eight propellers and will be approximately the size of a car. Moreover, for this task design and production studies also continues.

NASA Space Missions Director Nicky Fox, “Dragonfly is a spectacular space mission that has attracted a lot of public attention, and we are excited to take the next steps on this mission.” he said. fox, “Exploring Titan will push the boundaries of what we can do with rotors outside Earth.” said.

Journey of 880 million kilometers in search of life

There is an average distance of 880 million kilometers between Titan and Earth. So why NASA? according to today’s conditions Sending a vehicle to such a distant point? The answer to this question is hidden in Titan’s structure. The surface of the satellite is quite new on a universal scale and, in a sense, resembles the first stages of the formation of our planet. Therefore, Titan seems suitable to host biological beings.

dragon fly

Titan has oceans, but they’re not full of water with liquid methane full. Titan’s ice-covered deserts and the fact that it has organic components for life raise the possibility of life. Dragonfly will also study these glacial deserts over a period of three to five years.

Nuclear powered vehicle on Titan organic molecules will also examine it. This mission will also examine whether Titan is habitable and signs of life.


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