MLSA Will Sue A Site That Displays Citizens’ Information

Today, it was revealed that a website accessible to everyone showed the information of everyone in Turkey.

In the past hours today, the existence of a website that shows the personal information of all citizens in Turkey has emerged on a website. This site, which can be accessed by everyone and whose domain name is constantly updated, contained a lot of information from citizens’ phone numbers to family members.

While discussions on the site continue From the Media and Legal Studies Association (MLSA) A move has come. MLSA announced that a lawsuit will be filed against the site.

A lawsuit will be filed against those responsible for the site and those who do not take action.

In the statement made, MLSA Co-Director Veysel Ok said about the responsible of the site that publishes detailed personal information of citizens registered in e-Government and the officials who do not take measures to prevent the theft of this data. they will sue expressed.

Drawing attention to the magnitude of the threat, MLSA stated that the leak violated many laws regarding the privacy of personal data, including Turkey’s Personal Data Protection Law (KVKK) and Turkish Penal Code (TCK). The director of the association, Ok, told all citizens about those responsible for this situation. legal action he called.

To reach the details of what happened;


A Website Has Been Appeared That Shows All Personal Information Of Everyone In Turkey With Just A Phone Number

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