Missile test: North Korea tests suspected ICBMs

Missile test newscast

The rocket probably reached a height of up to 6000 kilometers after the start in the direction of the sea.

(Photo: dpa)

Seoul North Korea has allegedly tested an ICBM, according to its neighbors South Korea and Japan. The rocket reached an altitude of up to 6,000 kilometers after launching towards the sea, the Japanese news agency Kyodo quoted Deputy Defense Minister Makoto Oniki as saying on Thursday. It was therefore possibly a new type of ICBM.

North Korea has tested an unusually large number of missiles this year. South Korea and the US fear that the internationally isolated country could also resume testing of its ICBMs.

These were last fired in 2017. With the tests, North Korea violates UN resolutions. Talks about a peace process between the two Korean states and negotiations with the USA about nuclear disarmament in North Korea have been on hold for a long time.

More: North Korea has apparently tested a new intercontinental ballistic missile system

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