Meet Zen Fighters, the Brand New Game Metaverse!

The growing popularity of esports is undeniable, but it doesn’t seem to have reached the mainstream until recently, as digital sports games are played on flat screens while sitting idly in a chair. However, games return with the advent of VR headsets, allowing players to physically move around in their environment while competing with others. One such next-generation esports game is called Zen Fighters, where players not only train and compete with each other, but also earn money for their efforts. In this article, we’ll take a look at the unique gameplay elements that set this game apart from the rest.

What are Zen Fighters?

Zen Fighters is an innovative locally created esports game for virtual reality that incorporates NFTs to achieve the vibrant ecosystem of a real sports market. In this game, players will be able to earn NFT rewards such as in-game items, new fighters, upgrades or ZENY tokens for their achievements, all in their personal crypto wallets, which they can then sell for any other price. In global Blockchain markets like OpenSea, cryptocurrency is becoming a play-to-win game.

With elements of both Harry Potter’s Quidditch and Pokémon Go along with a Street Fighter-type matchmaking system, Zen Fighters is a unique one-on-one competitive sport only possible in virtual reality. The game requires players to think while on their feet, anticipate their opponent’s moves, and adjust their tactics based on their own and their opponent’s warriors’ unique superpowers.

What is Zen Fighers’ game lore?

The solar system in the Zen Republic metaverse consists of an orbiting sun and seven planets. After thousands of years of intergalactic conflicts over who owns the sun, the citizens of these planets have been able to come to an agreement to share solar energy. Together, they formed the Zen Fighters league as a symbol of their new friendship, in which the greatest fighters from all over the Zen Republic compete against each other.

NFT warriors

In Zen Fighters, there are three types of warriors from different planets of the Zen Republic Metaverse: Martians, Reptilians, and Sumerians. These fighters are upgradable NFTs that differ cosmetically (hairstyle, body color, etc.). The most important feature of a fighter is his superpowers. When a fighter spawns, he gains 3 random and unchangeable superpowers, some stronger and some weaker. Although these superpowers cannot be changed, the more experience points a fighter gets, the more they level up and unlock new superpowers, which can increase their value in the market.

Play-to-Earn game model

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All assets in Zen Fighters are non-fungible tokens that can be purchased using Zen Fighters’ native currency, ZENY. By signing up for an account, you are instantly connected to a crypto wallet where you can hold ZENY and other cryptocurrencies as well as NFTs. By playing the game, players, especially first-time fans, have a chance to make a significant profit. There are several ways to win by playing:

  1. Leveling up the fighters unlocks their new superpowers and gives them a treasure box that can change valuable skins or have other things inside. Leveled up characters can be resold in the market for profit, depending on their appearance and abilities.
  2. Staking wars against other players: A certain amount of tokens are staked and the winner takes them all.
  3. Official tournaments: Zen Fighters will host tournaments where players can compete and win the prize pool.
  4. Competitive and cooperative mini-games: Players can compete with others in a race or cooperate to complete a quest and get treasure boxes or tokens!
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In the game of Zen Fighters, the audience will also watch to win

Spectators are a crucial piece of the puzzle for any esports game, and Zen Fighters is no exception. The team understands that the player base for VR games is still pretty low, so they are focusing on engaging the audience, which will attract more players later on. To encourage the audience, it allows the audience to earn ZENY tokens along with the players.

There will be invite-only competitions with the best Zen Fighters on the planet. Spectators will have the chance to participate in these tournaments by watching and supporting their favorite fighters via live streaming via the smartphone app and streaming sites like Twitch. Viewers will be allowed to bet on the outcome of matches, support players by investing in them, and more. Viewers will also have the opportunity to purchase match tickets from the in-game store to watch the tournaments live in VR. Also, being a spectator isn’t limited to just watching, betting and investing – they can buy fighters themselves and loan them to others acting as their intermediaries, similar to the academic system at Axie Infinity. To learn more and have a chance to participate in the game, you can check the links below:

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