Math Teacher Starts Teaching on Pornhub

A math teacher uploaded her lecture videos to Pornhub, the world’s most popular adult content platform. The videos, which received more than 1.7 million views, managed to attract everyone’s attention. The teacher named Changshu explained why he did such a thing in an interview.

One of the most popular adult content platforms in the world. pornhubis home to a very interesting content producer. This creator is a man named Changshu. Originally a math teacher, this person posts content on Pornhub. Moreover, these contents More than 1.7 million views has received. But no, you misunderstood. This math teacher is not adult content but direct math lessons is publishing. Yes, on Pornhub…

“Japan-based news outlet”GigazineThe math teacher who gave an interview to ” explained why he preferred such a method. On adult content platforms no one teaches math However, the teacher said that the popularity of these platforms is higher than that of many other sectors. not bad says.

Other adult platforms did not accept Changshu’s videos.

Changshu stated that he didn’t want the videos to be only on Pornhub while he was bringing his project to life, so he said in the first place. XVideos He states that he has decided to be included in different adult content platforms, including However, other platforms offer lecture videos. because it does not contain nudity they removed it.


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Left and right of Changshu’s video window, briefly all over it adult contents exists. In addition, while he was lecturing, the sides of the videos were prepared for adults. ads it looks too. However, the math teacher teaches in his gray hooded jacket from the beginning to the end of his videos. For those who are wondering what topics there are; Changshu, differential equations It mostly talks about topics that university students are dealing with.

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