Meet Cloud Service Provider Oblivus!

Oblivus, founded by Doruk Alp Ülgen and Mehmet Ceylan in March 2022, is a Cloud Service Provider (CSP) focused on graphics cards (GPU) and their aim is to make this service, which creates huge costs for startups and companies, much more accessible.

Operating based in the USA and the UK The entire team in Oblivus is Turkish and they provide services around the world.

Themselves “Democratized GPU CloudDefining it as “, Oblivus’ aim is to provide a reliable, fast, scalable and economical infrastructure that not only large organizations but also everyone can easily access.

Oblivus, which has 2 multi-tenant data centers in Montreal, Canada and Oslo, Norway, offers its users the On-Demand service in these data centers that anyone can register and access instantly. Apart from this, there are 7 single-tenant data centers and these data centers are used only for a few customers with large clusters (+512 GPUs).

Building infrastructure from scratch is financially challenging, and this is where Oblivus comes into play:

Establishing its own infrastructure for a startup interested in artificial intelligence in today’s conditions It is very difficult financially. That’s why startups often turn to CSPs. However, CSPs also have some problems:

  1. Pricing: Although it is more economical for startups to build their own infrastructure, even the most basic virtual machines with graphics cards can reach tens of thousands of dollars per month in large CSPs. Unless you have a large investment, this is not an amount that can be easily spent for everyone.
  2. Quota and Limits: Each CSP has certain quota limits. You cannot create a virtual machine with a graphics card without increasing these limits. To increase the limits, you need to contact different departments within CSP, create a request, send e-mails and explain in detail the reasons for your quota need. In the current “AI Boom” era, many medium and small-sized organizations are unable to achieve these quotas. If you do not have a connection with a company, your quota request is rejected outright. This restricts access to graphics cards and prolongs the software development process.
  3. State-of-the-Art GPUs: Most CSPs provide the latest technology GPUs (NVIDIA H100, etc.), which are available and accessible in the market today, only through long-term reservations. Unless you want to spend a few million dollars, these GPUs are very difficult to access and scale your usage as you wish.

Oblivus offers very critical and advantageous solutions to these problems:

  1. Although they provide the same level of service as large CSPs, they also offer prices that are up to 50% more affordable. This price difference allows small and medium-sized businesses to implement artificial intelligence projects without making large investments.
  2. Since there is no quota or limit on the platform, each registered user can use hundreds of graphics cards simultaneously as long as there is sufficient balance in their account and there are enough GPUs in the infrastructure. This allows users to create their infrastructure as they wish and scale this infrastructure smoothly when necessary. As of today, Oblivus has 9 data centers and more than 18,000 GPUs.
  3. Oblivus offers the latest technology NVIDIA H100 and all other GPU models to all its customers directly with its On-Demand service, without the need for any long-term reservations.

With its infrastructure and more than 29,000 registered users, Oblivus also provides support to many sectors other than artificial intelligence. Among its users are large conglomerates such as VNG Corporation, AI-focused Akash, Bittensor and Strong Compute, architecture company Edge Design Dubai, leading universities Stanford University, UCLA, UC San Diego, and the University of Notre Dame. These organizations are provided with clusters consisting of hundreds of graphics cards.

If you would like to get detailed information about Oblivus’ services and much more, you can visit their website by clicking here.

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