What Is This Pyramid-Like Structure In Antarctica?

Antarctica remains a mysterious region that has preserved its mystery over the years and raises a ton of questions in people’s minds. Many theories put forward about him are enough to reinforce his mystery.

One of these theories is the “pyramids” about. Yes, we say pyramids because people think there are pyramids here.

covered with glaciers Pyramid in the heart of Antarctica What are these structures that look like doing there? Moreover, we doubt that this is even a pyramid!

New things are constantly being discovered under the glaciers.

In fact, this rumor goes back years. of Antarctica to the Ellsworth Mountains When we look at it, many peaks wink at us. Some of these have a pyramid-like appearance. These images brought about a lot of speculation.

almost everyone these triangular structures He made various allegations about him. While some thought it was a structure reminiscent of the Giza Pyramid in Egypt, others made the famous comment: Illuminati.

In fact, the most logical one was this: It is a remnant of the civilization that lived here when Antarctica was still a living area.


Although it does not sound like a bad idea when you think about it, of course there is no basis for this. This is just what is said Conspiracy theories about Antarctica a few.

It may always be easier to talk about a region we cannot visit, because we do not have enough evidence. But this will quickly debunk theories An explanation was also provided.

The “pyramid” in question is actually a natural geological formation.


In fact, this place was neither made by human hands nor It was built by aliens. Geologists who examined it announced that this place is a structure known as “pyramidal-peaked mountain” or “nunatak”.

Geologist Mitch D’ArcyWhen he explained that this structure consists of rocks rising from glaciers, everyone took a deep breath. So this is just a ‘hill’. This region constitutes the largest mountain range in Antarctica.

Since we like to put forward theories about things we have not encountered before, it is not surprising that we mistake these mountain formations for pyramids. But you don’t need to be afraid, It looks like aliens haven’t visited Antarctica yet.

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