Microplastic Found in Human and Dog Testicles

Scientists will examine whether microplastic samples found in testicles affect the global sperm decline.

We know we can find microplastics even in the ocean depths, but these structures have seemingly permeated every aspect of our lives. Seems like humans and other creatures They cannot protect themselves from microplastics. In the latest study, microplastic was found in human and dog testicles.

at the University of New Mexico Professor Xiaozhong “John” Yu The long-term effect of the environment on the human reproductive system was examined in the research carried out by a team led by Dr. After microplastics appeared in every human placenta examined in a separate study, the scientist decided to examine dogs as well. The reason for this situation is that dogs live in a similar environment.

12 different microplastics found

Scientists examining tissues taken from human and dog testicles found microplastics in all of these tissues. from 23 humans and 47 dogs In the examination of the tissues taken, samples of 12 different microplastic types were found. On the other hand, microplastic density was three times higher in tissue samples taken from humans.

Yu said in his statement that at first they did not expect microplastics to have penetrated into the reproductive systems, but the results surprised him. This work, microplastics into reproductive systems It also proved that it could penetrate. Scientists will now examine whether these structures harm the testicles or sperm. It is thought that microplastics may be playing a role in the global decline in sperm quality.

Research Toxicological SciencesIt was published in .


It Turns Out We Are Breathing In So Much Microplastic That We Could Produce A Credit Card A Week


It has been revealed that microplastics found even in the water we drink can penetrate into our brains.

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