Marvel’s Spider-Man Won’t Be A PS 4 Exclusive First

Marvel’s Spider-Man, one of the popular games of PlayStation, will not actually be PlayStation exclusive, even it will be developed by another company, not Insomniac. Here is the story of Spider-Man’s rejection.

Developed by Insomniac Games, the Marvel’s Spider-Man game, which was first released exclusively for PlayStation 4 in 2018, shook the entire game world, but released in the same year. God of War and Red Dead: Redemption 2 Legends like this one had been unlucky with the rewards as they were released.

Later, with the release of PlayStation 5, the Remastered version of the game and its sequel additional package Marvel’s Spider-Man: Miles Morales was also fully completed. Turned into a PlayStation legend. We know that the game will never be released on other platforms. But actually Did you know that Spider-Man is exclusive to another platform?

Marvel’s Spider-Man was originally presented to the Microsoft Xbox as well.

Jay Ong, head of Marvel Games, made interesting confessions. Marvel first started meeting with both Sony and Microsoft at the same time. In fact, before that, Marvel Games preceded Insomniac Games to develop Spider-Man, Ong said. Contacted Activision however, as Activision does not see a future in the project. rejected.

Marvel, which later agreed with Insomniac, held talks with Microsoft and Sony, but Microsoft turned down the offer because instead of wanting to incorporate a special game of an external company, he wanted to develop special games with his own companies.


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The leader of Marvel Games met with former Sony executives Adam Boyes and John Drake in August 2014. Ong to Sony “I believe it’s possible, we can beat Batman Arkham and make at least one game and maybe more than one that can drive adoption of your platform” said.

The rest is as you know. Sony, Spider-Man exclusive to PlayStation and it has been one of Sony’s greatest achievements. What do you think of Xbox’s rejection of Spider-Man? Please do not forget to share your thoughts with us in the comments.

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