It Was Discovered That Spider Venom Can Be Used Instead of Viagra

An alternative other than Viagra may have been found for men with erection problems. The banana spider’s venom, which causes permanent erection, was produced artificially in a laboratory environment. The gelled molecule was successful on mice.

Scientists who continue their studies at the Federal University of Minas Gerais serving in Brazil, have developed a drug for men with erection problems. viagra external They are about to develop a solution. Known to cause erection banana spider It seems that experts who have succeeded in synthetically producing the molecules in its poison may have succeeded in burying an important problem in history.

Viagra is the biggest helper for men who have erection problems. But Viagra is not all it seems innocent a medicine not. First of all, according to research, the probability of success of this drug is around 70 percent. It also has very serious side effects and is recommended for men with heart and liver problems. can have fatal consequences. Here is the news from Brazil, revealing that a new and relatively natural alternative to Viagra has been produced.

Banana spider was already known to cause permanent erection

It was already a known fact that the poison found in banana spiders was dangerous for men. Intense exposure to this poison permanent erection and causes death of penis tissue. In fact, in some cases, doctors even remove the penis completely. They may have to cut. The study conducted in Brazil revealed that erection problems can be eliminated by using this poison in a controlled manner.


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Scientists discovered the molecule in the venom of the banana spider in a laboratory environment They managed to produce. In the next stage, the effect of the molecule on mice was tested. The molecules, gelled and applied to the animals’ groins, caused erections as expected. What enables this is the gel’s effect on the body. nitric oxide was to increase its emissions. The process was developing similarly to Viagra. Nitric oxide helps pump blood to the penis, causing an erection.

It will also be tested on humans

new solution for erection

Brazilian experts have opened a new page for the study. In the next process Human tests will be carried out. If the research succeeds in concluding that spider venom really eliminates erection problems, a brand new alternative to Viagra will be created. Of course for all this to time there is need.

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