It has been determined that there is a link between the Internet and happiness

Oxford University conducted a study with data from 2 million people. This study revealed that there is a link between internet access and happiness. However, there are people who are made unhappy by the internet.

Oxford Internet Institute (OII), established within the University of Oxford, is an expert on internet access. a striking work made. Within the scope of this study, data of 2 million people from all over the world were examined. The analysis found that there is a close connection between internet access and happiness. Research participants about 85 percent The level of well-being was higher due to internet access.

The internet, and especially social media, has actually been the subject of serious debate lately. Many people harms of the internet emphasizes. However, new research from Oxford has revealed that there should be no need for such a discussion. However, according to Oxford officials, Ensuring security online It is necessary.

The rate of people made unhappy by the internet is 5 percent

Although it has been determined that 85 percent of individuals with internet access are happier 5 percent Some of them were unhappy with their internet access. The majority of individuals in this category are Young women aged 15-24. In the prepared article, it is stated that this does not mean that internet access makes you unhappy, but cyber bullying is increasing It was stated that it was revealed.


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Prof from Oxford University. Andrew Przybylski, some of the research are missing is Although he agreed, he said the findings would hold important lessons for politicians. The person who opposes the research is Dr. from the University of London. It was Ruth Plackett. Plackett, no matter what, harmful content on the internet can make people unhappy he stated.

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