Profile Photo Will Be Created with Artificial Intelligence in WhatsApp

An important feature has been detected in the latest Android beta version of WhatsApp. This feature will allow users to create profile photos with artificial intelligence.

It has been revealed that a new feature will come to WhatsApp, the world’s most popular instant messaging application. “ feature, which was detected in the Android beta version coded “, allows users to Create profile photos with artificial intelligence will provide.

The feature is still under development, text based It will work. The user will tell the artificial intelligence his dream profile photo. Artificial intelligence is also specific to input will create images. The user will be able to share the created image as a profile photo.

This is what WhatsApp’s new feature will look like

There are many unknowns about the new feature WhatsApp is working on. your feature when will it be published And it is not yet known exactly what kind of experience it will offer. But this in the near future We think it will change.


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What we can say about the artificial intelligence-supported profile photo creation feature coming to WhatsApp that’s all for now. In case of any new developments, we will inform you We will inform you again.

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