“iOS or Android?” Interesting answer from thieves to the question!

To date, the question “iOS or Android?” has been asked in many places, from technology news sites to blogs and even YouTube videos. The question was asked and even great debates took place. After all this, the world was divided into two groups. However, the most ridiculous answer to this question came from a group of thieves. Here are the tragicomic mugging incident in America and its details…

The thieves returned the phone to its owner because it was not an iPhone!

To date, there have been many phone thefts etc. scenarios happened. Brands like Apple even use “Find” etc. against such situations. By developing applications, it is looking for ways to detect the location of devices when they are lost or stolen. Various similar technologies are being developed on the Android side as well.

"iOS or Android?" Interesting answer from thieves to the question!

An interesting incident related to this issue took place in Washington DC recently. In the incident that happened to a couple who did not want to give their names, thieves robbed the couple. In the incident, which was threatened with a gun, the couple’s wallets, credit cards, truck and car keys were stolen. Of course, the thieves also take the couple’s mobile phones.

iPhone 15 Pro Max's purchased from Apple's website are turning out to be fake one by one!iPhone 15 Pro Max's purchased from Apple's website are turning out to be fake one by one!

iPhone 15 Pro Max’s purchased from Apple’s website are turning out to be fake one by one!

When faced with fake iPhone 15 Pro Max, buyers in the UK accused delivery companies of defrauding them.

There is an interesting point here. Thieves want to take a look at the phones and notice that one phone is Android. Afterwards, they give the device back to the couple. The couple who took the phone back stated that they were very surprised and that the thieves said “we thought it was an iPhone, we don’t like Android devices” when they handed over the device.

Washington DC police teams launched an investigation regarding the issue. The couple’s stolen pickup truck and car are now being searched everywhere. Police teams identified the thieves and launched a large-scale search. So, what do you think about this both funny and tragic “iOS or Android?” What do you think about the answer to the question? Don’t forget to express your opinions in the comments section! For more content, you can visit ShiftDelete.Net YouTube channel.

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