Interesting Facts About Colors You Will Hear for the First Time

We were born into colors, we did not like some of them, we gave special meanings to some and even made them our symbols. It’s hard to imagine living in a world without colors. But do you really know colors? Let’s take a closer look at the extraordinary information about the colors, some of which you will hear for the first time.

In our previous article, we talked about the names and meanings of colors in detail. In this article, our subject will be colors, and even in many more articles, the subject will be colors. Because from the moment we are born until the moment we die We live in a world where we exist in colors. In fact, according to many people, the true meaning of life is hidden among colors.

There are many, many colors. Some of them we hate, and some we love enough to let them symbolize us. We will not go into physics information such as how colors are formed, light and darkness, but we will take a closer look at colors. Because even though most of us love We don’t know much about the extraordinary information about colors. If you’re ready, let’s start.

Unusual information about colors, some of which you will hear for the first time:

  • The world’s most loved color was once considered the color of the substrate.
  • The world of babies is red.
  • Talking about colors as a concept is a new habit.
  • If mosquitoes love you, it is useful to change the colors you choose.
  • Colors do have a gender.
  • Even colors have a taste.
  • When we turn off the lights, what we see in the dark is not actually black.
  • If you are hungry often, you may need to change the color of your house.
  • Knowing the meanings of colors makes your life easier.

The world’s most beloved color was once considered the color of the substrate:

When asked what is your favorite color, most people answer blue. True, the researches of international marketing firms also give us this data. What if we told you that the color blue was once the color of low-class people? The favorite colors of the wealthy living in ancient Rome were white, black and red. Workers who were seen as lower class or even barbarian wore blue. Who knows, maybe the fact that the overalls are still blue and dark blue is a continuation of this terrible habit.

The world of babies is red:

You may have noticed that newborn babies do not look around very consciously and act with their basic instincts just like puppies in nature. The biggest reason for this is newborn babies cannot distinguish colors they are. At the age of two weeks, the first color they distinguish is red. Day by day, their vision develops and by about five months of age they can distinguish all colors, but for a long time the color of the world is red for them. Maybe we have developed a skill of seeing red early, because it is the color of blood in the evolutionary process.

Talking about colors as a concept is a new habit:

According to historian Michel Pastoureau, who also researched the concept of color in Ancient Greece, colors were not mentioned conceptually in the past. In other words, we say what a beautiful color blue is and how ugly red is; A person in Roman times said this sentence. how beautiful the blue flower was, how ugly the red table was. In other words, colors used to act as adjectives, and they were not mentioned as abstract concepts like today. This was also the case in the Greek, Egyptian and Israeli civilizations.

If mosquitoes love you, it is useful to change the colors you choose:

According to a study by Jonathan Day at the University of Florida, mosquitoes they are looking for food, especially in the afternoon, in the form of a visual-based search. The ones that attract their attention the most are dark-toned colors such as blue, navy blue, black and red. In other words, if you are someone who is bitten by mosquitoes in the summer months, question your color preferences once again.

Colors do have a gender:

In a large-scale study conducted by the University of Maryland sociologist Philip Cohen, male and female participants were asked about their favorite colors. Blue was chosen as the favorite color of the majority, regardless of gender. In the second question, they were asked their second favorite color. interestingly 27 percent of women said they liked purple, 25 percent of men said they liked the color green. In other words, the classic pink and blue colors sewn for babies do not reflect the truth. If you are undecided about the color while buying a gift for your lover, keep this statistic in mind.

There is another study on the effect of genders on colors. A group of researchers from the University of Arizona discovered that women and men see the color red differently, especially in their studies. Women perceive the red – orange color spectrum much better than men. Researchers say this may be because women have an XX chromosome. Let’s face it guys, we really don’t know much about colors unless it’s about cars.

Colors even have a taste:

A group of researchers from the Polytechnic University of Valencia and the University of Oxford conducted an experiment and the results were published in the Journal of Sensory Studies. In this experiment The participants were given the same hot chocolate in four different glasses of white, cream, red and orange. The majority of the participants said that the hot chocolate they drank in cream and orange glasses was much more delicious. We knew that the tea drunk in a thin glass glass was more delicious, but the color thing was really surprising.

What we see in the dark when we turn off the lights is not actually black:

You lay on your bed and lay down and turn off the light. It’s pitch black, isn’t it? No it is not. Of course, after a while, when your eyes get used to the dark, what you see is black, but Just when the lights go out and darkness begins you actually see a different color. This color, which we can define as a dark shade of gray, is named eigengrau.

If you are often hungry, you may need to change the color of your home:

Think of the world’s largest fast food chains, food and beverage brands; What colors do they all have in common in their logo? Yes, red and yellow. It is not scientifically proven, but according to general acceptance The color red and yellow has a nagging effect on people. This situation, called the Ketchup and Mustard Theory, is also taken into account when determining the colors of restaurants all over the world. If you are often hungry, review the color of the items in your home.

Knowing the meanings of colors makes your life easier:

In our previous article, we have explained the meanings attributed to the color black and white throughout history. Actually each color has a meaning that is generally accepted and reflected in our subconscious. For example, director of the American Institute for Biosocial Research, Dr. According to Alexander Schauss, pink is the most calming color in the world. The pink color, which prevents the heart muscles from working fast, relaxes even the color blind.

According to the studies of the Monash University Accident Research Center, white is the most reassuring color in cars, while black is the least reassuring. The color red has historically been associated with fire, blood and even justice. interestingly, Women wearing red are much more attractive to men. The green color is perhaps the Prophet since the Middle Ages. It always represents betrayal and unreliability, as it is portrayed as the color of the Jews who killed Jesus. These meanings go on and on.

an integral part of our life We talked about unusual information about colors, some of which you have heard for the first time. Of course, what we are talking about is the information that is interpreted according to the data obtained in some scientific studies. Everyone’s favorite color, their interest in that color and their reaction to that color may be different. Of course, while our subject is like this, do not pass without writing your favorite color in the comments.

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