Instagram Starts Testing Its Brand New Feature ‘Your’

Instagram has started testing a new feature that will increase users’ interactions with each other. This feature, named ‘Your’, allows users to create story chains based on a topic. Yours can also be experienced by some lucky users in Turkey.

The world’s most popular online photo and video sharing platform Instagramstarted testing a new feature that included some users from Turkey. “Add Yours” (Yours) and appear in stories, it seems that it will increase the interaction of users with each other.

This new feature added to the tag section of Instagram stories allows users to allows them to create story chains. The feature, which can be used if the user sharing their story on a topic adds the tag Yours, allows followers to add their own stories to the main share. For now, whether the feature will be available to all users worldwide. Unknown.

What is Instagram Add Yours?

The new feature of Instagram, which has been tested with a limited user base, looks like the photo above. Users, from the sticker insertion section They will be able to add the tag Yours, which they can reach, and choose one of the topics determined by Instagram or by users themselves. A user who shares his post on this subject with his followers, thus creating a chain of stories. your first ring will have created. Other users will also enlarge this ring. Moreover, users sharing under the same tag, each other’s stories they will be able to see.


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For now, whether the scope of Instagram’s new feature called Yours will be expanded. Unknown. As we have just mentioned, it is not yet clear whether this feature will be available to all users. If you had the opportunity to test this feature, What kind of experience yours offers you can share with us.

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