In what “ways” is it possible to provide solutions to traffic?

Ah, that traffic… it is a nightmare for all of us, regardless of pedestrian or driver. Vehicles move step by step, especially during rush hours and on weekends… Even when you imagine this congestion, going from here to there feels like torture, right?

Well, when that’s the case, “Who will drive that traffic now?”, “We’ll go on weekdays, never mind!” We get caught up in thoughts like these and continue to sit at home. But of course this is not a solution.

Alright, What can we do to prevent traffic congestion?

Before moving on to the solution, let’s look at what causes the traffic.

In fact, one of the biggest reasons for congested traffic on a highway is It’s about the stop-start routine. This congestion; It’s caused by drivers being busy with other things like red lights, pedestrians, or checking the phone while driving.

The driver who has to stop and go for such reasons inevitably affects vehicles in front and behind and creates a ripple on the highway.

The first way to reduce traffic is roundabouts.


Roundabouts instead of traditional intersections with traffic lights, It is circular in nature, requiring drivers to reverse instead of stopping. This circular design helps keep traffic flowing, so it may be possible to avoid waiting behind the wheel for minutes.

Another of the solutions They are one-way streets. One-way streets, which eliminate the need for drivers to turn right or left, can help traffic flow more smoothly.

With one-way streets, your time to reach your destination may be slightly longer, but in an accident scenario where 4-5 vehicles collide Not knowing how to turn right or left It is much better.

Ramps are the best escape points.


Instead of having to wait for a clearing of vehicles to merge with the highway, drivers can use a ramp to merge at a higher speed. Again, in the event of an accident, driving the vehicle towards the escape ramp can prevent a possible disaster.

Moreover common strips It can also provide a solution to traffic congestion. These dedicated lanes are one of the most logical ways to encourage people to carpool.

What if we increase the number of lanes on the roads?


For example, increasing a 3-lane road to 4 lanes, It can relieve traffic in the first place However, later on, traffic will be congested again as more people will choose that route.

Because those who do not normally use that road because it is congested will prefer it with the thought that it will be open, but since most people will think so Vehicle density will increase.

Also the roads Increasing to 5,6, or 7 lanes The situation does not change.


Why Doesn’t It Make Sense to Widen Congested Roads and Open Another Lane?

In fact, one of the most logical ways to avoid traffic would undoubtedly be to not drive a private vehicle.

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