How Will Ethereum ETF Approval Affect Price? Here are the Possible Scenarios!

Ethereum (ETH) is the largest cryptocurrency after Bitcoin by market value. However, the recent fluctuations that ETH has experienced in the market attract the attention of investors. In particular, their focus on the possibility of a spot ETF approval by May 2024 stands out as one of the main reasons for these fluctuations.

Market sentiment and probabilities make Ethereum’s price uncertain. While this uncertainty worries investors, it also offers opportunities. Analysts such as Daan Crypto Trades analyze this situation by highlighting the key scenarios and consider possible scenarios that could affect Ethereum’s performance in the coming months.

Daan Crypto Trades reviews Ethereum’s current status and prospects amid speculation on the possibility of a spot ETH ETF being approved by May 2024. spent. The analyst noted that forecast markets for an ETF approval remain steady around 18%. This is quite different from the predictions at the beginning of the year of around 80%.

Daan Crypto Trades recently shared their perspectives on the current state and prospects of Ethereum amid speculation about the approval of a spot ETH ETF by May 2024. The analyst noted that forecast markets for an ETF approval remain steady around 18%. There was a significant decrease of around 80% compared to previous estimates.

The analyst outlined three scenarios that could affect the future of ETH and its exposure to the cryptocurrency:

Positive ETF News

Under this scenario, positive spot ETH ETF approval developments increase the likelihood of it occurring by May 2024. Daan Crypto Trades draws similarities to Bitcoin’s ETF process, suggesting that market reactions may initially be slow to reflect this news, presenting ETH with a strategic investment opportunity. In this scenario, investors can expect prices to rise as demand for Ethereum increases with ETF approval.

Risk-Reward Dynamics

If the odds of ETF approval diminish even further, with only a few percent likely by May, the risk-return trade-off becomes too extreme. While this scenario is currently unlikely, sudden positive news or faster progress could cause a major reaction in the market. In this case, investors may have to balance between taking a large risk and the chance to earn potentially high returns.

ETH Spot ETF Rejection

If the ETH spot ETF is rejected in May, Daan Crypto Trades foresees the next period of opportunity. Following rejection, large issuers, such as Blackrock, may re-apply by offering favorable allocation terms at attractive valuations. In this case, the price of Ethereum may be negatively affected in the short term, but it may have the potential to rise again in the long term with new applications and developments.

Long-Term ETH Prospects

Daan Crypto Trades also emphasized that ETH is more attractive compared to other Tier 1 solutions, citing its reliability and functionality despite high transaction costs.

The analyst concluded by expressing his confidence in ETH’s long-term prospects. However, he also noted that new strategies and catalysts are needed to improve the dominance of Bitcoin ETF inflows and ETH’s performance relative to the broader market.

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