How to cancel a Çiçeksepeti order?

Flower basket, is one of the most popular sites that many people prefer to send gifts on special occasions. Among the orders open to customization flowers, jewelry, technological tools and many more products.

In today’s news, we will tell you how to place an order through Çiçeksepeti. cancellation or refund We will share what you will do with all the steps of this process.

How to cancel Trendyol order?

You have placed an order from Trendyol, but you have stopped buying the product and you want to cancel it. In our news, we share all the steps of the cancellation process with you.

Çiçeksepeti order cancellation and refund how to do

If via the flower basket not personalized If you have ordered a product and that product has not yet if not shipped You can cancel directly. However, if it is on its way, its product without receiving can be returned or found on the site return option given to you using with return code You can send it back together with the contracted cargo company.

If you have ordered a personalized item, for example a pen with your name on it, you will find that if it is out of the preparation process Cancellation and refund process is very difficult. Return requests will not be accepted unless you are too late to change your mind or there is a problem with the received product.

How to return an order?

If your order is in the shipping phase, you may not receive it by stating that it will be returned when your cargo arrives. However, if you have received the product, a return process you need to start. For order return You can follow the steps below.

  1. Log in to your account and go to my orders page.
  2. Select the product you want to return in the order.
  3. Select the reason for your return by clicking the return button on the right side.
  4. A return code will be generated for you by the site. Make sure to note this code.
  5. With this code, deliver the product to the cargo company within 7 days.
  6. Once your return is complete, you will be refunded within 10 business days.

How to cancel an order?

As we mentioned in the previous title, you can only cancel an order. If the product is in preparation we can. We can only initiate the return process if the item has been shipped.. For order cancellation You can follow the steps below.

  1. To check if the item has been shipped, log in to your account and go to my orders page.
  2. Select the product you want to cancel in your order.
  3. If your product is still in the preparation stage, you will see the cancel button on the right side.
  4. Click the cancel order button and then select the reason for the cancellation.

In today’s news, we shared with you how to cancel and return orders for shopping from Çiçeksepeti. Do not forget to share your views on the subject with us in the comments.

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