How is the Phonetic Perception of Turkish? How Does It Sound?

You must have wondered how Turkish sounds, namely its phonetic perception. Although it is not possible to understand this 100%, it is possible to get an idea thanks to some methods.

When asked to foreigners, they generally answer that it is a pleasant-sounding language and resembles hard languages ​​such as German and Russian, but is soft compared to them. Majority “ç, ş, ü, g, rü” He states that sounds such as hissing attract attention, and sometimes sounds such as hissing.

Although asking strangers gives important ideas according to that person’s mother tongue The way language is perceived will change. Russians are likely to say it sounds good when you ask Scandinavians, but if you ask a softer language speaker you will often get the opposite answer.

Apart from the descriptions in the introductory paragraph, there is another general analogy: Turkish is also said to be a fast language, although not as much as Italian and Spanish.

Judging by what foreigners express, there is not much between words. without spaces we are talking. Of course, this will vary according to your diction, region and education level. After all, there is a huge difference between a polite person and a rude person’s speech.

Since there are many words in common with Arabic, it is also wondered whether it is similar to this language, but according to what foreigners say. There is no similarity between Arabic and Turkish.

So, can we perceive Turkish as a foreigner perceives it? The answer is partly “yes”. This video will give some idea. (in Turkish at 2:31)

Random, made up of sentences made of meaningless words you know language imitations; Even if the words are meaningless, you can understand what the imitated language is. This video is also in Turkish. Since the duo in the video successfully imitated Italian, Russian and Hindi, we can think that they are also good at Turkish.

This is another YouTuber’s work. (in Turkish at 1:27)

This video presents several languages ​​similarly. (in Turkish at 1:03)

we are familiar with many languages ​​are successfully imitatedAssuming that Turkish is imitated with the same success, it can be said that it sounds like this.

Another method is to translate the text below into Google Translate etc. to read into a program.

Turkish voice

It consists of meaningless words but Arranged according to phonetics and grammar of Turkish a text. Since you will not understand what is being said, you will be able to hear the timbre of Turkish more easily. In accordance with the phonetic characteristics of Turkish (major and minor vowel harmony, consonant affinity, etc.), words randomly generated by a computer program were formed by arranging them one after the other. The algorithm also takes into account the letter frequency and some morphological features in Turkish. text 1.25x speed Listening will give you a better idea.

Here is that text:

“In my chip, getkeketit scar tight uratsipa yabi ap donkey tatkansırda yellow tweezers bar. Saka beard rattles. Tamgatatardaç golak ığmaşısin. Seke tas kalıdar. sülyilkkinse in çece ketik daka bloody müycütterse ikke beysildir cinnamon moon Kandalaçka vondardak danır ike sıtsamcazi Öysegeçler viben Epek kinetir sisim Dağsa from tassıbar. Art gut press Zakava ana çünmen tin eçten Virtminde bansanmap kigetsi first gitele sikenen tazat kede kam Kele küngü udakan law bee eneşkenser Aksala keyek zinsebe kakandata vulkkağat tinersen.

In my evening, whoever’s neck flowed, sotma gotarlat giba sava darptanap kalat ayatsa horse deder ezmindi certli aftershave kopagit banda opas. If the yeysekikenen canvas doesn’t cackle in the arete, it turns out to be ak etike beski Dağdarcan oily on the basis of salansit Bağaç. If you stay on the trigger, if you are bored, if you don’t wear a tanned helmet, if you don’t wear a tanda helmet, you’ll be taken aback.

Who thinks it is a tree when it is flux. Umsat barksasaç busa ala dayda squash. Akkaman ate your blood. Decet yebipetin sweat dine idar. Agsakar is pale from the rays. Stitched tulle tucked thong, tare ayansat ala rightdasıp erepkeren dillitis atşkı cuddle. If the radish is wet with the crispy snow, if the radish uttuçta yileret simmered with the oil, you should knit an island, knit it, and knit it. Aydaz Kozenge fucks poop. Jan dekinlit glazed geysit scalloped tan sopundala danabap sülü ikke clothes tağa zata dasa ökketezdi kisli oy baldaçsam bisek. I’m old, you’re sasakin. Ker ugap suppur tyeç kikçen. Gult tatça close to the equivalence andaçtat poplar. If Ötke I would not accept sildir ındar, if you could grab it, let’s make it into a swan. Put on the tube with İdiş ükelli. Bow datmir swaying gal ti Debeke eple salad irdinceskitken paper. Born in Yimedesh sancan alitaçku. Büçsete kutan ansağavak sikkise sav tunaldaç Aşkana scarf kibi datıtlaka denizsen. Add in the sea navy with Kos bavdattar. Play Getsevi sim.

Ursa is effective in igit goose. While in the rituals, his own pekkel sauce is brewing. Let’s tell the source of the flour in the city sirdenedir. I’m not grounded in Kelin. If Yuncu kit çeletse, he is horny. Eaten yam ker. By the way, you destroy the villi anat. Us size setetle evsim. Ak tilcise kondunu bread crumble vegci ectidep belen in epir. His name is yamdasaç sas. Stay in squat am tonsa. If Senekmiyer etlit, other ciche, vidak, gavam, komas, bataba, if you die. I’m tinder and dagil bestseller. Zıbatkı is bent, a.k.a. enir. Left wheelenitis two derdelite irda supsadamada osatanikma züktevi gas. Ike andalma ser akapkı osan sling sling slinging to the waste, the gyrgedi güber winters in the waste. If you are sir ensirsin, badaci kivdalak. I was keylir elseer kiken kircekemlike. Tayitatkar is a vigorous hoarder.

Elimination tağlad daz sese kıkaklı ülütsen sile exceeded yaçtıpa four-kep min sakan ıda crochet moment sound aylaza dörletkeşki tedenit dazcanca tibe dug swan tilata setetecettir tuslaktin barsa exceed. Semlen is the one who planted in the zest. I zansamlam in love went crazy tenenge tililetteten gunla keni taste scallop galalddıt öketki tumblerssaga sansavalar accident imen. Disabled ülelibindin tansat ürlen. If I’m lucky, talabar. Praise be to me, tizgeçki, to the kağazga. Ota ingerci your revenge. Fertilize in jewelry grove. Keep it, it’ll be shallow when I use uncooked paper. Dot tikte toçkunakaç osa detkeresit turn back biban.”

After listening to the text, you can feel more comfortable that Turkish is a language originating from Central Asia.

Turkish Central Asian

One last method: Open a Turkish song or a speech and turn the volume down so that you cannot understand what is being said, but you can still hear the sound. That meaningless tone that sounds in the ear will also give some idea.

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