How Could Ancient Civilizations Do the Same Things?

We have difficulty accepting how certain situations in history occurred, such as people creating cities, building temples, carrying huge stones for miles, and inventing religion. On top of that, it can be confusing that ancient civilizations can do the same things in different parts of the world without any connections.

Even though some people do not accept it, the explanation for all this is collective unconscious It is defined by . Some use this concept pseudoscience Some regard it as a convincing explanation for how people behave.

“What are the facts about the collective unconscious? Can we explain human behavior thanks to this?” to the subjects those who worry We can include it in our content. Maybe you can fit some pieces into place more easily.

How could Aztecs and Egyptians build the same structure?

Considering the Pyramids of the Sun and the Moon, built by the Aztecs approximately 2,500 years ago, and the Egyptian Pyramids, built by the Egyptians around 2,600 BC, “How is it possible that they were unaware of each other but could build very similar structures?” The question comes to mind. This is actually explained by the collective unconscious. Because, both civilizations do not need to be aware of each other in order to build similar structures.

The concept of collective unconscious does not only apply to humans.

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