Housework Men Increase Women’s Libido

It is a fact that women get tired intensely both while working and taking care of housework and children. Studies have shown that women with this fatigue generally have lower sexual desire. The study that we will describe in this article says that there will be an interesting change in the sexual lives of couples who do housework jointly.

The vast majority of women play a greater role in the care of children and housework than men. Especially during the pandemic Mothers were exhausted by the fact that children did not go to school and were educated at home.

Those who work in the field of sexuality are wondering how this situation affects women’s sexual lives and conduct a research. Especially in the study, women who take all responsibility of the house alone and on domestic duties A comparison is made between women who receive the help of their partners, and interesting results emerge.

Sexual reluctance is seen in more than 50% of women due to life fatigue.

Women, motivations to have sex He uses remarkable expressions while describing it. For example, for them, this can be a way of feeling themselves in life and wanting to establish intimacy. According to psychologists, women can experience fluctuations in their sexual desires when their quality of life decreases. Of course, the willingness of the woman in sexual intercourse is as important as the willingness of the man. However, sometimes for various reasons, women may not want to have sex with their partner.

In this context, experts believe that understanding women’s sexual desires that it is difficult it states. So they propose two kinds of desire theories to understand them. One of these; sexual desire of one person for another; the other concerns individual desire, that is, personal feelings.

Low Libido

According to psychologists, these two desires are interrelated because one cannot exist without the other. Think of it this way; Individual desire may not mean much without the approval of another person. In other words, according to this theory, to put it more casually, a person must do something to feel sexy. need the other hears. Even if someone finds himself pleasant, someone else’s liking can lead to greater satisfaction. Thus, the individual can feel better.

What if women get tired more in daily life and if this is the reason for their lack of sexual interest; Does the equal responsibility of both partners encourage women to be more sexual?

female orgasm

In a study conducted with 299 female Australian women aged 18-39, they sexual desires and questions about partner relationships. For example, women are asked whether their partners or themselves organize social activities; who bears the burden of housework the most; who maintains the financial order; Do their partners have more free time or do they have more free time?”

Researchers divide women into three groups and evaluate them accordingly. The first group; It is the group in which women share an equal division of labor with their partners. the other; women do more work than their husbands. The last one is determined as the group where spouses take more responsibility than women. The results of the research are quite interesting. Because women who state that they take equal responsibilities in their relationships are more likely to be compared to other women. to a higher relationship satisfaction owner. In fact, according to the study, this situation; It also reveals that they feel more sexual desire towards their partners.


From the group in which the partner takes more responsibility, little conclusions can be drawn because their number is very few. This may have made a funny connotation to you as “wherever you go in the world, you may find it difficult to find men who do more housework than women”. But the unsurprising result shows us that the group where women take more responsibility and get tired are less satisfied with the relationship. In other words, this research shows that the low libido of women is not just due to biological reasons. can also be attributed to social causes. he wants to tell.

Of course, factors such as a long relationship and children can also be the reason why one party takes more burden in the relationship.


In the research, it is said that long relationships lead to a feeling of excessive familiarity in people, and this issue causes individuals to get bored with their partners. Unfortunately, this situation can also feed the inequalities in the relationship. Even experts “The longer some relationships last, the more unfair they become” makes an inference. In fact, most women can start to manage their husband’s life and become a mother to them, while taking care of their own and their children’s lives.

Psychologists also believe that these factors cause in the relationship. unequal division of labor For them, the change in such dynamics can restore the balances in the relationship. Which, we can say, may add vitality to the relationship.


Previous studies have shown that women who are satisfied with their relationships are more likely to sexual desire He is said to have. This research also mentions that the libido decreases when both partners have an unequal distribution of tasks and women are given more tasks. Thus, we can say that it is very important for women to feel a sense of justice between themselves and their partners for their satisfaction in their sexual life.

Editor Note: In this text, research Results It is discussed. It is an article that does not aim to generalize. In order to form a general judgment on this issue, academic studies need to be conducted in different countries, with different participant groups, by conducting different research methodologies.


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