Hogwarts Legacy’s First Gameplay Video Has Arrived

In particular, the first gameplay video from Hogwarts Legacy, which Harry Potter fans have been waiting for a long time, came.

The Harry Potter universe is a magical world, especially for those who met this series in childhood. Even for a very large audience who are not big fans, the story of the films and the world they take place in are quite enjoyable. For those waiting for the letter from Hogwarts, wondering what my patronus would be or where the sorting hat would place me. Harry Potter universe Until now, it has appeared with various games on almost every platform.

The last of these games and the eagerly awaited game for a while. Hogwarts Legacy. From the game where each player will experience their own sorcery story first gameplay video performed by Sony tonight State of Play shared in the post.

A magical journey to Hogwarts of the 1800s

In Hogwarts Legacy, developed by Avalanche Software, players They find it at Hogwarts in the late 1800s. In this game where they will learn spells, make potions, meet ‘fantastic monsters’ and jump on their broomsticks and fly, players will also find a large ‘world’ to interact with. Of course, since the game takes place in the 1800s, we know from the series. with only a small part of the characters we will meet.

Hogwarts Legacy, customization and character development an experience unlike any Harry Potter games we’ve played so far will present. Usually we would bring a character from the main story to life in Harry Potter games, but this time it will not be. Players will be able to customize their characters as they wish and improve their abilities and spells; they will also be able to advance in a chosen area of ​​witchcraft.

Hogwarts Legacy

Of course, it also needs to be fought dangerous and malicious enemies In the story that will take place, the characters will also be able to visit the town of Hogsmeade, where they can shop and make up for what they lack.

The map of the game is not limited to Hogwarts and Hogsmeade, either. around Hogwarts many new lands waiting to be discoveredwill be waiting for the players with their stories full of mystery and danger. Hogwarts Legacy for PC, PS4, PS5 , Xbox One and Xbox Series consoles at the end of 2022 the future.

Hogwarts Legacy gameplay video

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