A Girl’s Hearing Loss was Corrected with Gene Therapy

A little girl born deaf in England can now hear without the need for a hearing aid, thanks to a new gene therapy method.

About 18 months ago in England opal sandy A daughter named was born. Unfortunately, this little girl was deaf when she was born. Opal, who was later selected for a gene therapy, began to hear after the intervention. So today 18 months old The baby can even hear whispers and speak some words. Moreover, he can do this without a hearing aid.

Inside Opal’s ear gene infusion Scientists tried to replace the damaged DNA in the little girl’s ear that caused deafness. The treatment of the little boy, who was included in the subject group including patients from Spain, the USA and England, started before his first birthday.

His older sister was also born hearing impaired

The parents of Little Opal’s development “mind-blowing” describes it as. The little girl’s five-year-old older sister Nora’s too It is stated that he was born hearing impaired and uses a cochlear hearing aid that imitates the sense of hearing by vibrating the nerves in the inner ear.

In gene therapy Doctors from Addenbroke HospitalWhile they placed a cochlear implant in the child’s left ear, they tried gene therapy in the right ear. Scientists replaced the damaged Otof gene with a healthy one and stated that the little girl could even hear whispers within six months. The director of the research Ear Surgeon Professor Manohar Bance, “It was great to see him react to the sound.” he said.

Experts say other advanced degrees of therapy in hearing loss types He says it might work. Genetic factors play a major role in hearing loss, especially in children.


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