The Thesis “Hard Times Create Strong People” Confirmed

Scientists have revealed that people who have experienced a disaster once can overcome similar situations more easily.

end of humanity 30 thousand years A study examining Friedrich Nietzsche’s “What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger” He confirmed his aphorism. According to the study, humanity became stronger as it experienced difficult times more often. Civilizations that frequently had to confront harsh conditions were much more successful in weathering future disasters.

at Bournemouth University Geologist lead author of the study who served as Philip iris, “The more frequently a community experiences disturbances or surges, the faster it recovers the next time.” he said.

Farmers’ fortitude

According to the research, farming communities managed to recover faster, even though they faced disasters and negative events more than other communities. Researchers compiled data collected from 16 different archaeological sites from South Africa to Canada. 30 thousand years of history made it the subject of the study.

Finds in each region carbon age Calculating scientists managed to calculate the life and population in the regions based on organic materials. It was stated that in areas with more people, there are more activities and, as a result, more buildings and works.

This interesting work in nature published.


How Can It Be Explained That Ancient Civilizations With No Connections Did The Same Things Despite This?

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