Haluk Levent’s Great Efforts on Us from Past to Present

Haluk Levent, who we know with his beautiful heart as much as we know him with his beautiful songs, works hard for the people who have been victims of the great earthquake that happened in the past days, giving great effort.

Haluk Levent, who brings together people whose heart beats for goodness with the AHBAP Association, of which he is the founder, and tries to help the society and individuals in every issue that needs help, tells us about this world. proving that good still exists manages to give us hope.

Haluk Levent, who we can describe as a person devoted to goodness, has started to attract more attention in recent years with his very effective use of social media for charity. for many years It is actually a name whose hand we feel on our backs.

He transparently promised what to do with the donations of more than 1 billion TL collected for earthquake victims.

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