Google Cloud’s Collaboration With This Altcoin Moves The Price!

CELO is sparked by the Celo Foundation, the foundation behind mobile blockchain platform Celo, partnering with Google Cloud to support sustainable Web3 initiatives.

In a post published on the official blog of Celo Foundation on April 4, Celo blockchain ecosystem fit for mission development of projects to support and Google Cloud services early adoption with Google Cloud to expand to cooperation announced that they were leaving.

Foundation Google Cloud As part of the collaboration, the project’s native token CELO based on developers Google Cloud And firebase to benefit from the various services will offer loans stated.

Also Google Cloud core developer organized by the Celo Foundation Founders in Residence program and eight weeks an accelerator program to Celo Camp to participating developers project support reported to present.

Head of Ecosystem Growth, Celo Xochitl Cazador, The partnership with Google Cloud allows developers and Web3 founders to build their applications based on Celo, one of the best in the cryptocurrency industry. carbon clean in the cloud to create And to scale He said it would help. Also, Cazador is Celo’s world leader. first carbon negative proof of share (PoS) blockchain also underlined that

Head of Strategy at Google Web3 Richard WidmanGoogle Cloud’s next wave of innovation in Web3 focused on providing and within the scope of this purpose, the partnership pleased with the expansion stated that they were.

According to Coinecko data, the latest 30 per day %2 appreciated CELOafter the news was announced to 14% showed an upward performance. As of writing, CELO 0.7148 at dollar level is being traded.

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