Details of the new Tomb Raider game have been leaked!

Strikingly detailed rumors have emerged about the new Tomb Raider game. We learned that the last Tomb Raider game from Crystal Dynamics at Epic’s State of Unreal event in 2022 will be the first game in the series to run on Unreal Engine 5. This raised expectations, but we didn’t know much about it at the time. A source named V Scooper has now shared a lot of information about the game in a series of tweets. We’ll summarize the rumors for you below.

The first thing that V Scooper stated is that the game will be a fully open world game and will take place in India. Therefore, it has been stated that Lara can use various methods of transportation such as motorcycles, parachutes, etc. to travel across the country.

V Scooper later provided more details about the setting. Lara is said to be mostly in Northern India, investigating the ruins of the Ashoka Empire following a natural disaster or apocalyptic event. Lara will then have to contend with the Society of Raiders, a society of treasure hunters who are inspired by Lara’s own accomplishments but are not guaranteed to help Lara.

According to V Scooper, Society will be linked to a new feature that will allow you to recruit allies and form teams to aid you as you fight rival treasure hunters and accomplish your missions. So there will likely be non-lethal combat options as you can recruit people you fight with.

Mortal Kombat 1 Homelander gameplay trailer has been released!

Mortal Kombat 1 Homelander gameplay trailer has been released!

A new gameplay trailer has been released for Homelander, which was announced to come when Mortal Kombat 1 is released! Let’s take a look together.

A timeline for the game’s release is currently planned to be within a year. This time frame isn’t guaranteed, but V Scooper suggests that this game is pretty far along in its development and we won’t have to wait too long for it to launch.

However, if this is the same Tomb Raider announced in 2022, then Crystal Dynamics started this work in the same year, or maybe even earlier. It can be estimated that the development of this game started in 2021 or even 2020 and will be completed soon.

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