GetContact Developer Announces Threats

The users of the application were very worried when the hackers claimed that they had hacked GetContact the other day. The developer of the popular and popular application in our country for a long time, announced that they received threats from hackers in a statement made today.

The other day, we talked about the allegations that the GetContact application, which has been popular for a long time in our country and caused controversy for a while, was hacked. Although the application has just returned to Turkey, these allegations about it caused a great concern for users.

GetContact is known as a pretty fun app that shows you how your contacts have saved you on your phone. It was quite popular for a while. However, recently, there has been news that will make everyone who has used the application think brooding, and it has been claimed that the application has been hacked and the information of 700 million users has been stolen. GetContact founder Mustafa Vardalı made a statement by returning to the allegations in a short time.

The founder of Getcontact invited 10 experts to his offices to prove his reliability:

Today, Mustafa Vardalı, the founder of GetContact, reported that people claiming to have hacked the application also reached them and received threats. Vardalı’s post on Twitter caused concern. In previous statements, users data security is among the company’s priorities. Stating that, Vardalı renewed his words. However, Vardalı said that if the hackers did not get the money they wanted. They also threatened to disclose the data of 500 thousand users. he adds.


Vardalı stated that the data sent by the hackers did not belong to them and that they had informed the company to prevent this attempt. He states that they have invited 10 experts and that they will continue to investigate until this person or persons are found. While renewing the importance they attach to the safety of their companies and users, Mustafa Vardalı stated that the necessary legal process will be initiated in Turkey or Europe.

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