Gasoline Will Increase By 68 Kurus As of Midnight

Energy Oil Gas Supply Stations Employers’ Union (EPGİS) announced that there will be a hike in gasoline starting from midnight tonight. Officials stated that as of December 31, the price of gasoline per liter will be increased by 68 cents.

The fluctuations in exchange rates in recent weeks had an impact on fuel prices. In fact, we shared with you that the gasoline, diesel and LPG prices have increased three times in four days in the past weeks. Later, President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan made statements and there was a sharp decline in exchange rates.

After that, we told you that there was a discount on gasoline and diesel. However, it was stated that this reduction decision would not be reflected in the pump prices, and that there would be an increase in SCT as much as the discount rate. now too Energy Oil Gas Supply Stations Employers’ Union (EPGİS) announced a new price hike in gasoline.

From midnight tonight, a raise of 68 cents will be made

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