Former Coinbase Manager Accused by SEC Denies Crimes

The former director of Coinbase, who was indicted by the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), denied the charges.

The Securities and Exchange Commission recently appointed Ishan Wahi, a former product manager at Coinbase. insider trading accused of doing.

According to the allegations made by the SEC, Ishan Wahi has announced that Coinbase has which cryptocurrencies to addyet before the listing takes place first he was singing to his brother Nikhil Wahi and a person named Sameer Ramani.

The Securities and Exchange Commission is also indicting the two other individuals in question as part of its investigation into information fraud.

According to an investigation by the US Treasury Department, Ishan Wahi is listed on Coinbase. at least 14 cryptocurrencies previously shared information. In this way, the defendants 1.5 million dollars allegedly earned money.

According to information shared by Reuters, Ishan Wahi made allegations against him by the SEC and the Treasury Department. refused.

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