Famous YouTuber Invites People to Commit Cyber ​​Crime

While there are frequent cyber attacks between Ukraine and Russia, a YouTuber with hundreds of thousands of subscribers encouraged the cyber attack on his channel.

More than two months have passed since the Russian invasion of Ukraine. Unfortunately, while the parties do not take a step back for the war, the citizens of both countries with cyber attacks mutually harming each other. While there have been various cyber attacks since the beginning of the war, now a YouTuber has turned people into cybercrime. he invited appeared.

The phenomenon with hundreds of thousands of subscribers youtuberurged his followers to carry out a cyber-attack against Russia. YouTuber, who encouraged the public to cybercrime in order to stop Russian propaganda, became the agenda with this offer.

Suggested DDoS tool to his followers

In a broadcast he made this week, YouTuber suggested that viewers download the application called Liberator, claiming that he was trying to prevent anti-Russian propaganda thanks to free software. Free DDoS software Liberator The illegal offer of YouTuber, who set up cyber-attack plans with the other party, also caused reactions.

YouTuber with over 250 thousand subscribers, on April 28 In the video he published, the Kremlin’s ongoing Ukraine propaganda during the occupation. called for help to stop it. Currently, the video, which has over 86 thousand views, is reaching more and more viewers. So what did the YouTuber say in his call?


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boxmining Against Russia’s attacks, YouTuber named “I need your help to support Ukraine! Over the past few weeks, there has been a lot of disinformation campaigns and fake news from the Russian government.” This fake news flooded the media and had different effects around the world,” he said. First innocently calling, the YouTuber later said, “Very rarely I ask people for help, but this is a situation where you can join the cyber war against Russia to stop the Russian propaganda machine.” He continued, encouraging him to download the Libarator application.

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