Famous “Big Short” Investor: Crypto Control of Exchanges Like Binance Is Pointless!

Famous investor Michael Burry, who was the subject of the movie “The Big Short”, said that he found the audit reports of cryptocurrency exchanges meaningless.

burry December 16 on his official social media account. in a post he madeincluding audit firm Mazars’ Binance Termination of all activities in the cryptocurrency sector gave an opinion on it. Burry, based on his past experience, audit reports are useless claimed it was.

Famous investor, in 2005 a new type of credit default swap when company auditors start using the instrument had to learn on the job stated. new financial your instruments controls are usually incorrect or missing This is why Burry, who hints that there may be distrust stated that it should.

On the other hand, audit reports published by Mazars for cryptocurrency exchanges recently “may be misunderstood by investors” with concern termination and removing Burry’s arguments supportive.

Burry was the subject of the movie “The Big Short”, predicting the 2008 Mortgage Crisis in the USA. in the past on the value of cryptocurrencies The famous investor, who claims to be traded in prices, valuation in financial markets He is known for his successful work in the field.

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