Facts About the Mariana Trench

While thousands of people successfully climb the world’s highest point, Mount Everest, every year, only a few have so far descended into the world’s deepest point, the Mariana Trench. Every year, dozens of scientists work to obtain information about the Mariana Trench. Without further ado, let’s move on to our article where we discussed the Mariana Trench facts.

The oceans, of which we have yet to discover a very small part, are home to many miracles. The best known of these is the Marina Pit, which is considered the deepest point in the world. British ship 147 years ago HMS Challenger Since then, the pit has been the subject of thousands of scientific studies.

This pit, where only a few people and research vehicles have not been able to descend until now, is accepted as the deepest point in the world at 10,994 meters. Today, Mariana Trench We searched for information about it and listed it for you. Here are the facts about the mysterious Mariana Trench…

Information and facts about the Mariana Trench:

  • It is in a US protected area.
  • Its depth is exactly 10,994 meters
  • It was formed as a result of the collision of two large plates
  • It contains many submarine volcanoes.
  • It is home to living things that can survive despite high pressure.
  • Unfortunately the bottom is very dirty.
  • In 2012 James Cameron took a dive
  • Could fit a Mount Everest inside
  • It was first discovered in 1875
  • It is called the fourth pole of the Earth

It is in a US protected area.

of the Mariana Trench Guam Island, where a large part of it is located, is under the protection of the USA because it is a US territory. The Marine National Monument, established by US President George W. Bush in 2009, is approximately 506,000 square kilometers The seabed and islands covering an area have come under US protection.

Its depth is exactly 10,994 meters

mariana pit

Located in the western Pacific east of the Philippines and about 200 kilometers east of the Mariana Islands Mariana TrenchIt has an average width of 69 kilometers. the surface of the ocean and the deepest point of the trough Challenger Deep The distance to and from is about 11 kilometers.

It was formed as a result of the collision of two large plates

mariana hole

The Marina Trench was formed as a result of the collision of two large oceanic plates, called tectonic plates. At the point where these two plates collide, a very deep pit occurs due to the sinking plate. Briefly, the Pacific Ocean plate subducted under the Philippine plate, creating this deep trough.

It contains many submarine volcanoes.

mariana trench volcanoes

Mariana Trench There are various submarine volcanoes among the islands within. About these submarine volcanoes 103 centigrade liquids coming out. In addition, some researchers think that these volcanoes may have provided suitable conditions for our planet’s first life forms.

It is home to living things that can survive despite high pressure.

mariana pit live

In recent studies, of the Mariana Trench Various lives have been discovered in its rather harsh conditions. Scientists who examined the diving images of James Cameron, who dived into the Mariana Trench in 2012, stated that the creatures living in the deepest points of the Mariana Trench can survive in complete darkness and at a very high pressure. Since the nutritional options of the creatures living here are very limited, some microbes such as methane or sulfur with chemicals among those known to have been fed.

Unfortunately the bottom is very dirty

bottom of the mariana trench

Pollution in the Seas and Oceans is a big problem that is well known to all of us. Unfortunately, this pollution is the deepest point in the world. to the Mariana Trench even reached. In the researches, many metal and plastic materials were found in the Mariana Trench. waste material found. The fact that water pollution has even reached these points is quite worrying.

In 2012 James Cameron took a dive

mariana hole james cameron

Famous director and science fiction enthusiast James Cameronmade a dive into the Mariana Trench with a submarine he designed with Australian engineers. About the Challenger Deep, the deepest point of the Mariana Trench 2.5 hours Cameron, who finally landed, became the first person to dive here solo. Later, the images taken during this dive were made into a documentary by National Geographic.

Could fit a Mount Everest inside

mariana pit everest

Mount Everest, the highest point in the world, to the Mariana Trench Had it been located, part of the summit would still be under water. That is, approximately above sea level 8,848 meters Mount Everest, which is at a height, can fit into the Mariana Trench very easily.

It was first discovered in 1875

hms challenger

British ship that made the first oceanographic trip to the Mariana Trench in 1875 HMS Challenger Discovered by. The scientists on board recorded a depth of about eight kilometers using a weighted drill string. About 76 years later, another British ship, the HMS Challenger II, found the depth to be approximately 11 kilometers reported that.

It is called the fourth pole of the Earth

mariana bottom of the pit

As you know, the Earth has two poles. However, many scientists the Mariana Trench of the world fourth pole accepts as. The place considered as the third pole of the Earth is Everest. So Everest and the Mariana Trench are the Earth’s geomorphic poles.

How was the Mariana Trench descended for the first time?

  deepsea challenger

First in 1960, Trieste with a U.S. Navy submarine to the Mariana Trench landing made. During the descent, which lasted for 4 hours in total, one of the submarine’s sight glasses was broken due to the pressure, but there was no problem as double glass was used. About 52 years later, the famous director James Cameron, together with Australian engineers, Deepsea Challenger They descended into the pit with their vehicle.

So what exactly is at the bottom of the Mariana Trench, what do we encounter as humans?

creature that lives in the mariana pit

The Mariana Trench is home to Xenophyophorea (Marine amoeba), Amphipoda (Small crustaceans) and small sea cucumbers. Creatures living at this depth, under high pressure and in the dark, various chemicals or survive by consuming what is further down the food chain. In addition to all these, there are various plastic materials due to the pollution we cause. In other words, if we could go down to the bottom of the Mariana Trench and observe it in detail, these would be the things we would encounter. Of course, different discoveries can be made in the following years, but the journeys made to the bottom of the Mariana Trench until today. high pressure It had to take a short while.


Bravo Us: Even the Deepest Pit in the World, Mariana, Can’t Be Trapped

In this content, we examined interesting facts about the world’s deepest known point, the Mariana Trench. Do not forget to mention your ideas and opinions in the comments. To read our different content like this, to suggestions you can browse:


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