Epic Games Store Announces Total Number of Players

Epic Games Store announced the total number of players at the end of 2023 and how much money players spent on the platform, as an “annual summary”.

Especially after Steam started accepting payments in dollars, its importance has become even more important for Turkish gamers. Epic Games Storeshared its statistics for 2023. The report, which includes information such as the number of players, the amount of money spent by players, the number of monthly active players and the number of free games given, proves that Epic Games has become a fierce competitor to Steam.

According to the report, Epic Games Store The number of users has exceeded 270 million. The number of players connecting to Epic Games Store from other platforms reached 804 million. Of course, let us remind you that you can connect to Epic Games Store even with your Google, Steam or PlayStation account. The number of monthly active users of the store increased by 10%, exceeding 75 million.

Epic Games Store’s 2023 statistics:

  • Number of users: 270 million
  • Number of cross-platform users: 804 million
  • Number of monthly active users: 75 million
  • Total amount of money spent on Epic Games Store: $950 million
  • Total amount of money spent on 3rd party games: $310 million
  • Number of games distributed free of charge: 86
  • Number of copies distributed free of charge: 586 million
  • Total value of free games: $2,055*

*Based on US prices.

The best* games of 2023 on Epic Games Store:

*Based on players’ spending amounts and interactions.

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