Bra has always brought a “I wonder?” question to women’s lives. For years, we have been told that wearing a bra is essential for health. However, a study will question some stereotypes about the habit of wearing a bra.
Women who see bra as a necessity, It would be beneficial for him to listen to these studies, taking his health into consideration.
Without further ado, let’s talk about not wearing a bra. Isaac Newton‘s, ArchimedesLet’s see if he wins.
The benefits of wearing a bra are not what you think.
Sports Medicine Specialist Prof. at Center Hospitalier Universitaire de Besancon in France. Jean Denis Rouillon, wearing a bra It will not prevent breast sagging He carried out a study that he claimed.
Rouillon’s work for 15 years 330 women aged 18 to 35 attended. New measurements of the participants were added every year and the data at the end of the process was shared.
The nipples of women who do not wear a bra or who stop wearing them It took off with a measurement of 7 millimeters data was obtained. Additionally, these women’s breasts were firmer. Study: “Wearing a bra relieves back pain.” He also obtained findings that refuted his thesis.
Wearing a bra causes muscle deterioration.
Since researchers also believe that wearing a bra prevents the growth of breast tissue, they examined this in their study and found that not wearing a bra prevents the growth of breast tissue. works the muscles more They got the result.
While Rouillon says that the bra is not a necessity as it is thought, there are medical and anatomical reasons. breast deprivation of gravity He also said it was of no use. On the contrary, she even stated that her breast muscles weakened by wearing a bra.
Volunteers seem happy to participate in this study. A 28-year-old woman named Capucine said that she did not wear a bra for two years and as a result, her breasts breathed better. standing taller and said he had less back pain.
Considering this research and the statements of volunteers winner archimedes It seems like this, but some things should not be overlooked.
Let’s not forget that the study is limited to only 35 years of age.
Rouillon, maybe it’s for self-assurance, I don’t know, but There is no such thing as everyone not wearing a bra. also says. He also states that a 45-year-old woman who wears a bra all her life will not see any benefit if she takes it off.
We know that there is a lot of discourse about whether to wear a bra or not. In fact, statements that wearing a bra increases the risk of breast cancer were widespread for a while. However, as a result of the studies conducted, whether the bra is worn, not worn at all, or only worn during the day, these situations do not occur. There is no evidence that it affects breast cancer.
Some experts say that going without a bra does not provide sufficient support for the breast tissue and eventually will get tight and sag states. Some experts say that sagging depends only on breast density.
The only thing that everyone agrees on is that there are multiple factors that will affect sagging and this issue cannot be attributed only to the bra. Age, genetics, weight just some of them.
While we hear different information every day about whether to wear a bra or not, the best thing to do is, according to convenience to make a decision. While some people are more comfortable with a bra because they have large breasts, others are more comfortable without a bra or with a sports bra. In short, Whatever you want.
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