Does it make sense to buy an Android phone abroad?

Due to the increasing tax burden and exchange rate, everyone has tended to buy phones from abroad. Receiving a phone from abroad, Differences between buying from Turkey we evaluated.

The costs we face when we buy smart phones from abroad; tax and passport registration there are fees. We compared the total price of the device you will buy from abroad with the price of the product you will buy from Turkey.

Does it make sense to buy an Android phone abroad?

Click here to calculate phone tax

In our country dollar exchange rate and tax Due to rising phone prices, consumers are looking for alternative ways. Among these methods, one of the first that comes to mind is to buy phones from abroad. We have examined whether this path makes sense.

in the first place phone tax brackets on you international phone prices attracts many people. But when we try to buy the device with additional charges we meet. in our video Xiaomi 12 Pro from abroad by taking to officially buy from our country we compared.

Xiaomi 12 Pro price abroad 700 dollars appears as. for this phone 130 TL Ministry of Culture Share, 1.300 TL TRT banderole fee, 7.214 TL SCT and 3.896 TL VAT being received. Total taxes 12,540 TL while that’s exactly half the phone’s cost. If the selling price of the device is 25,539 TL is happening.

Tax and passport registration consumers after customs duty also have to pay. In this context, we can buy the Xiaomi 12 Pro, which is on sale at a price of 28.999 TL in our country, for 12-13 thousand TL cheaper than abroad. At the same time, Android devices from abroad do not have warranty support in Turkey.

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