Does an Air Purifier Save Lives in a Natural Gas Leak?

Are air purifiers enough to get rid of toxic gases that enter or leak into our homes and can pose serious risks to our health?

Toxic gases containing carcinogenic substances can be released in the long term or at high exposure. It can harm our health. It can even live insidiously with us in our homes without us realizing it.

Some of us have them in our homes or offices. air purifiers There are some beliefs that it can also prevent toxic gases. After reading our content, you can learn the truth about this issue and take better precautions.

First, it is useful to recognize volatile organic compounds.

Volatile organic compounds are compounds that easily become gases at room temperature. They are not always harmful to human health, but Many volatile organic compounds in smoke are dangerous.

Getting rid of poisonous gases is not easy.

air purifier

In situations such as forest fire, close your windows to prevent toxic gases from outside, running air purifiers Or you may consider wearing a mask. These are precautions that seem reasonable at first, but airborne components that carry toxic gases cannot be gotten rid of so easily.

Likewise, problems arising from a stove or natural gas leak getting rid of poisonous gases, Unfortunately, it cannot be prevented by methods as simple as opening windows or running an air purifier.

A study was conducted to track toxic gases.

poisonous gas

The study, published this year, tracked the lifespan of toxic gases in a home exposed to wildfire smoke and also looked at how they could be prevented. For this, a system containing chemical representations test house created.

The smoke particles in the poisonous gas were gradually oxidizing and turning brown. Volatile organic compounds are also broken down and The distinctive smell of the smoke was disappearing.

Organic compounds act insidiously.


While smoke particles quickly settled on the surface of the house, organic compounds took a more insidious route. At first, organic compounds accumulated on surfaces, but hours, days, and even months after the initial smoke cleared, They were released back from surfaces.

Air purifiers can remove airborne particles, but…

natural gas leak

So yes, the air filters in our homes can remove toxic compounds suspended in the air. However, this is a risk Doesn’t mean it’s completely gone. because gases can stick to surfaces inside the house and remain for weeks.

Exposure to high levels of these gases because they contain carcinogenic substances, It may cause respiratory and health problems.

So how do we get rid of these toxic components?

The method is very simple, cleaning! Research shows cleaning homes with a bleach-free cleaning product sweeping and wiping helps revealed.

There are even cleaning companies that can do this for you. It is only useful to say this, Don’t forget the ceilings!


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