Disney+ dethroned Netflix! – ShiftDelete.Net

With the pandemic, the interest in movie and TV series platforms has increased to a great extent. The number of TV series and movie platforms has also increased with this interest. Netflix, which has been leading the way for a long time, lost its seat to Disney.

Disney takes the lead in the series and movie platform race

Disney has officially surpassed Netflix as the world’s largest streaming service this year. The company reported a total of 235 million subscriptions on its main platforms, Disney+, Hulu, and ESPN. Netflix, on the other hand, dropped to second place with 223.1 million subscribers as of November.

Thus, Disney+, which has been on the market for only 3 years, achieved great success and managed to leave Netflix, which has been a leader in this field for a long time. For Netflix, which has not left the leadership to anyone among the broadcasting platforms for a long time, this may have caused concern.

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Netflix announced! Great record from the Jeffrey Dahmer series

Netflix announced the success of the mini-series about Jeffrey Dahmer’s life on its social media accounts.

Numerous platforms are competing to reach a limited number of consumers in an already grown and saturated market. In the already limited market, the worldwide economic problems prevent people from being members of more than one platform. The increase in the number of platforms that are cheaper and focused on one subject seems to have a negative impact on Netflix.

Netflix has recently taken some measures to combat this situation. The first of these is the subscription service with advertisements. Netflix, which lost its subscribers with the increase in prices, launched its more affordable advertising subscription on November 1st. After this development, Netflix experienced a relief in terms of subscribers.

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On the other hand, Disney is looking for ways to reach more subscribers with its new services. Just like Netflix, the company, which offers an advertising subscription package, also constantly adds new content to its Marvel content. At the same time, new episodes of the Doctor Who series are also on the Disney + platform.

Series and movie platforms have been in a great race lately, and for now, Disney seems to be the winner. So what do you think about Disney+ and Netflix? You can share your views with us in the comments section.

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