Dusseldorf Peter Biesenbach can’t believe it. In March 2023, the former North Rhine-Westphalia Minister of Justice lodged a complaint against the head of the Cologne public prosecutor’s office and his former deputy. The accusation: The procedure for clarifying the cum-ex scandal is being slowed down by the law enforcement agency. “My concern is that the biggest economic crime of the post-war period is solved as quickly as possible,” says Biesenbach. “I’m being denied information.”
Now the dispute is escalating: He recently received a letter from Cologne Attorney General Thomas Harden. Harden processed the complaint addressed to the incumbent NRW Justice Minister Benjamin Limbach (Greens). But he did not answer Biesenbach’s questions about the slow investigation and the possible lack of equipment. Instead, Harden responded with a scathing six-page letter. In it he speaks of the spread of “malicious rumors” to which he does not want to say anything. The authority did not explain what Harden meant by that.
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