Cryptocurrency Exchange Step From Billion Dollar Finance Giants: EDX Market Launched

Fidelity, Citadel and Charles Schwab, one of the leading names in the financial market, announced that they have established a joint cryptocurrency exchange.

Fidelity, Citadel and Charles Schwab According to a press release published by EDX on September 13, the three companies announced that they have established a cryptocurrency exchange called EDX Market, with the support of many venture capital firms. Launched in the USA, the platform will serve institutional and individual investors who want to trade cryptocurrencies.

Charles Schwab, Citadel Securities, Fidelity Digital Assets as well as traditional financial giants such as Paradigm, Sequoia Capital and Virtu Financial The name of the platform established with the support of venture capital companies such as EDX Markets was determined as. EDXM by combining the order books of multiple cryptocurrency exchanges on a single platform. high liquidity and low price differentials offers. The technological infrastructure of the platform is also MEMX provided by.

EDXM The board of directors made the following statements on the subject:

Crypto is a $1 trillion global asset class with over 300 million participants. Such a market requires a compliant and secure platform that can meet the needs of both individual and institutional investors. With MEMX-supported digital infrastructure that will eliminate technological and organizational bottlenecks, this platform will be a platform designed and used by financial institutions. EDXM will be an excellent starting point for a secure entry into crypto.

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