Citadel Games’ Game Promotion Causes Controversy

Citadel Games’ new games The Monarch ‘Support your country!’ The fact that they introduced the hashtag #millidestek with its call and put the hashtag at the end of it was on the agenda of the Turkish gaming community.

The medieval strategic role-playing game The Monarch, developed by Citadel Games, will be released in the third quarter of 2023. The company advertised the game on its official Twitter account, so far there is no problem. But the way they market the game, Turkish actor was exposed to criticism from the community.

In the post they shared, Citadel Games wrote in the paragraph “Are you ready for a national excitement?It starts with the question. When the issue of ‘national support’, which is already very controversial in the Turkish gaming industry, comes to the fore once again, people’s minds are ‘I wonder if a game that is not good is marketed again by exploiting national feelings?’ brought the question.

There is no Turkish language support in the game

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