ChatGPT Alleges Racism Against Turkish Users

ChatGPT’s response to a Turkish user, in which he used sexist swearing and racism, became a trending topic on social media. While some believe in the incident, some do not. Software developers, on the other hand, talk about customization and manipulation techniques.

There has been a remarkable development regarding ChatGPT, one of the artificial intelligence technologies that we have talked about most recently. A Turkish user said that the chat bot that he was racist and used sexist swear words He claimed. It is not yet clear whether the incident that caused outrage on social media is real or fake. At least OpenAI is clear about this didn’t say.

The incident allegedly Mustafa Çevik It happened to a citizen named. The citizen, who said that he wanted to test the chatbot’s software skills, received an unexpected response. This response contained severe swearing and insults. Many people shared the incident on platforms such as Ekşi Sözlük and Reddit. that it’s fake Even though he believes it, Mustafa Çevik insists that the incident is real.

The link to the conversation in which ChatGPT cursed was shared

*In accordance with our publishing principles, we do not openly show or write such a statement that contains such severe profanity and insults. However here By using the link, you can access the uncensored image.

In the online world make installation And it’s so easy to make things seem real. This is how the claim put forward by Mustafa Çevik was thought at the first stage. Many users believed that the image was edited and believed that the citizen who was cursed by ChatGPT did such a thing for the sake of interaction. However, Çevik, who shared the link to the speech in question, quickly completed this thesis. refuted. Our readers who are wondering, here You can access the entire conversation via the link. In summary; There seems to be a possibility that the incident is real.

However: If you want, you can also be cursed at ChatGPT!

ChatGPT insult

OpenAI for ChatGPT some time ago customize offered the opportunity. Users can use the chat bot according to their own needs. they could customize. So yes, you can train ChatGPT yourself and make it shout profanities at you under certain conditions. In fact, a user on Ekşi Sözlük said very much for this. a good example created.

ChatGPT example

You can see that example in the image above. The important thing here is How you provide training. For example, the user in this example caused an abusive response to the phrase “What the hell” in ChatGPT, which he customized. We cannot share it again, but the censored part is here You can view it via the link. Another user manipulating ChatGPT is managed to get the same answer. to the ChatGPT chat in question. from here accessible.

In another example, a response is given to the Kahramanmaraş-centered earthquakes that occurred last year:

ChatGPT private reply

*To the chat link from here accessible.

At this point, there is no way to tell whether the incident is real or fake. is not We see. However, many examples can be created through manipulation and privatization, as Mustafa Çevik also states. He might have done something similar We can consider the possibility.

So what do social media users say?


When we look at the posts about the incident, we see that there are those who believe in the incident and those who do not. redditIn the thread on , some users commented that ChatGPT used very specific language when uttering profanities. they say. In other words, they believe that it is not possible for this to be achieved through education. Some say “my teacherThey are stuck on the word ” In Turkish forums Users who say that it is too much, attribute the issue to education.

However, in X, in the posts made by the software developers themselves, that the event is neither real nor fake We see that they say it has been detected. Yes, it is possible to make ChatGPT shout profanities, but this does not happen during a normal conversation. Sezer İltekin And Fatih Kadir Alkın Software developers like ChatGPT with manipulation techniques the desired answers can be taken they say.

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