Campaign for the Recovery of Electricity and Natural Gas Increases

The hike in natural gas and electricity at the beginning of the year caused reactions from many people. Now, a campaign has been launched on ‘’ to take back these hikes. It is stated that more than 94 thousand people have already participated in the campaign.

As soon as we enter the new year, from many areas interest The news was starting to come. Increases of up to 130% in electricity and up to 25% in natural gas were some of them. We have also conveyed to you that we are at the top among the countries with the highest electricity and natural gas hikes in Europe. As can be expected, these price increases reduced the purchasing power and put the citizens in a difficult situation.

After these hikes, the reactions were not delayed. Many people tried to make their voices heard on social media and demanded that the hikes be withdrawn. Now, a new step has been taken on this subject. Citizens who want the hikes to be withdrawn started a petition on ‘’.

‘It is not possible for a family of 4 to consume less than 150 kWh of electricity’

In the new electricity hike, it was stated that there would be a 50% hike for the usages up to 150 kWh, and a 127% increase for those with more than 150 kWh. In natural gas, this rate reached 25%. Citizens who want to announce their reactions have also started a signature campaign, which you can reach here. The following statements were included in the campaign:We are all in difficult economic conditions. These hikes have a huge impact on people’s lives and livelihoods. The first invoices of the year have started to arrive, and there are mentions of invoices over a thousand TL.”

In addition to these, more than 94 thousand citizens have participated in the campaign so far.What will the families who supply their heating with electricity do? Electric stoves are used because natural gas is expensive. While even one stick of the stove is burning, the bills from 350 TL will now increase to 900. There is talk of saving; but is it possible for a family of 4 to consume 150 kWh of electricity? Please have some mercy” statements were included.

Along with this campaign, many people shared their reactions about the electricity bills and price hikes on social media and expressed their support for the campaign. We have compiled some of the posts for you.

Here are some posts about the campaign and hikes on social media.

Source : electric-ve-dogalgaza-gelen-zamlarin-geri-cekletme-icin-imza-kampanyasi-baslatildi-lutfen-biraz-insaf,1009829

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