Barış Manço’s Eurovision Story That Ended Before It Started

Did you know that Barış Manço, whom we listen to every term even after years, who can appeal to different lifestyles, who is the lover of everyone from 7 to 77, almost participated in Eurovision, but could not attend due to the problems he had with TRT?

Our country’s first and only victory in the Eurovision Song Contest, officially known as the Eurovision Song Contest, which has been held every year since 1956, except for the pandemic in 2020. Sertab Erener’s Everyway That I CanWe obtained with . Last Can Bonomo in 2012 It has been exactly 10 years since the Eurovision we participated with.

Our country, which passed the 100 points threshold for the first time in 1997 with Şebnem Paker’s performance and showed an effective performance, could not leave a permanent mark in Eurovision until the victory in 2003. Undoubtedly, the biggest share in this poor performance was the mistakes made in the selection of candidates. OK then Barış Manco What would happen if a person with a unique style like you participated in Eurovision?

Why did Barış Manço not participate in Eurovision?

During a trip in 1980, THY personnel blocked Manço’s way and said to Manço; “Represent us next year at Eurovision‘ they say. Manco also made this request. positive answers and expresses that he is sure that he will win if he participates.


  • Barış Manço wanted to introduce himself to Europe before Eurovision

Until 1983, preparations were made by Manço, and even in many European countries, especially in Germany, the press said “Manço”Turkey’s Eurovision candidate” it says. Barış Manço, in the national qualifiers in 1983 with the participation of 94 candidates and under the jury of TRT, out of the top 20, even the quarter final face had not seen.

Barış Manço’s song “Digging” rejected by TRT:

Barış Manço, who contradicted TRT both on “Nick the Chopper” and on various issues, said, “After being eliminated by TRT,Even though I don’t want money and promise victory if I can’t get into the top ten in Eurovision; The jury made fun of my song and because they didn’t like me, they prejudiced and eliminated my song.” said. Manço also said, “I will record my song and publish it, now the decision is up to our people”, which he presented to the TRT jury.PickaxeHe made an album of the song “. Dig, first month that year It broke the sales record by selling 550 thousand and was the best-selling work of the year. it happened.

Çetin Alp, who was chosen instead of Barış Manço, got 0 (zero) points

In the TRT qualifiers, where Barış Manço was eliminated without even seeing the quarterfinals. Çetin Alp wins first place with Opera song and represents our country at Eurovision in 1983. The year Barış Manço was defeated Turkey finished last with Cetin Alp with zero points it happened.

Cetin Alp’s criticism of Manco


  • Right; Cetin Alp and Barış Manço’s quarrel, Right; news of artists protesting everyone’s participation in the qualifiers in the coming years

Alp; “You can’t sing with 25 cm of hair, donkey, pickaxe” he replied. After Alp’s debut, the questions came to mind: “Was Barış Manço eliminated because he has long hair?” Barış Manço replied, “My hair is 40 cm, not 25, the discretion of my songs belongs to my people.”

All these discussions aside; Barış Manço, let’s review the results we could have achieved had he participated in Eurovision.

The road to victory at Eurovision: English


Victory at Eurovision 33 out of 66 songs and the winner of the competition 24 of the last 30 songs are in English If we take into account; One of the keys to victory in Eurovision is undoubtedly to participate with English songs.

For this reason, we think about Barış Manço’s songs in English and consider a possible “What if Barış Big Brother had participated in Eurovision…“We want to share his story with you.

English songs of Barış Manço


next to Turkish English, Spanish, French and Japanese Barış Manço, who also sings songs in other languages, has about 30 songs in English. Of course, not every song in English is enough to win Eurovision, but many of them are even above the Eurovision level. Now with you,If he had participated in Eurovision, he was guaranteed to return with victory.Let’s take a look at Barış Manço’s songs.

Blue Morning Angel:

Launched in 1976 and “Baris Mancho” consisting of all English songs One of the most interesting songs on the album. Blue Morning Angelwas just one of Barış Manço’s songs that would have won the first place if he participated in Eurovision with both his energy and lyrics…

Emerald Garden:

Adapted into English by Barış Manço from the Turkish song Nazar Eyle Emerald Garden Some sources also claim that the original adaptation was Nazar Eyle. Allegations aside, Let’s enjoy this beautiful song in Eurovision quality…

Little Darling:

It’s almost like an electric guitar and baglama used together. east – west synthesis When Barış Manço is added to the great performance of Kurtalan Express; Don’t you think the winner in a possible Eurovision candidacy is clear?

Lonely Man:

Baris Manco “We will try to tell the story of a lonely man” Lonely Man, which he entered with, was previously released as the song “Nenni Bebek”.

Nick the Chopper:

Undoubtedly one of the most popular songs on our list. Nick the Chopper. Nick the Chopper, who also made a big hit abroad, takes the love of nature as a theme; the story of trees taking revenge on a man who wanted to destroy the forest by cutting down trees tells. We have also witnessed the Nick the Chopper song played in environmental protests, especially in Europe and occasionally in our country.


  • Some problems of Barış Manço due to the songs My Friend Donkey and Nick the Chopper

The period when Nick the Chopper was broadcast on TRT, TRT censored Barış Manço for a while; the main reason for the censorship applied in the song environmental messages was alleged.

Tell Me Old Man:

The immortal work of Âşık Veysel “I’m on a long and thin road”Barış Manço, who interpreted “Tell Me Old Man” as “Tell Me Old Man”, presented us with a performance that could lead to victory in Eurovision, even with this slow song, unlike the other songs on the list…

Briefly Baris Mancho album

Barış Manco

Baris Mancho album was released in Belgium in 1976. While Barış Manço expected great success with this album, he could not achieve the success he wanted abroad. Many people were disappointed with this album, which fell short of expectations. “accent mismatch” commented.


Have you ever seen this version of Barış Manço prepared specifically for Nick the Chopper?

what about you About Barış Manço’s failure to participate in Eurovision what do you think? Do you think Çetin Alp’s Opera was better than Kazma or were there other underlying reasons? You can share your thoughts with us in the comments section.

note: Song titles are listed alphabetically.

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