Babies Born with a Tail-Like Structure

So far, we have touched on the strangest cases seen during pregnancy and childbirth, but this birth defect, which has come to the fore in the past few days, is like a game changer. Have you ever seen a baby born with a tail-like structure on its body?

Yes, you heard right. Although the tail formation Although we consider it unique to animals, it is not impossible to encounter such a structure in newborn babies.

Without further ado how is such a thing possible Let’s make it clear.

About 40 babies, officially reported since 2017, were born with a tail-like protrusion.

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Although this tail formation is actually quite rare, it can be seen up to 18 cm and It is a boneless structure that can be easily removed by surgery, is very soft, has no function. The world of science has not yet fully solved the secret of this formation, but of course, researchers have various views on these extensions.

In fact, the mystery of the origin of human tails begins with Charles Darwin. More than 100 years ago, human tails that evolution is a coincidence On the other hand, Darwin argues that this situation is the remnants of a tailed ancestor.

Also in the 1980s, scientists suggested that genetic mutations could occasionally return to their historical state.

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In an article 5 years later, he stated that these unique protrusions, which are encountered in babies at birth, show two different types of development. The first of these structures is called the “true tail”, while the second is the “false tail”, which may contain bones from time to time. They are called birth defects and are historically associated with birth defects.

Generally, these two tail formations are considered harmless, but these protrusions pose a great risk in preventing the development of the embryo in the mother’s womb. Again blended genetic and environmental factors Among the various theories that may cause this formation.

This peculiar tail-like extension appears when the embryo is around 5 weeks old.

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In the 8th week, it integrates with the body of the embryo and therefore the tail will remain until birth, a fairly large birth defect sort of. Babies born with a tail also face a variety of neurological problems. A 2008 study also states that these extensions are not benign.

In order for these babies not to face any health problems in their future lives, the researchers It is important to have an operation focused on removing this tail while it is still in its infancy. In addition, he emphasizes that it is very important to pass a brain imaging control.


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