Apple’s Oldest Employee Is Quitting

Designer Bart Andre, one of the oldest names on Apple’s staff, announced that he will retire. Thus, Apple’s design team will have completely changed after Ive’s departure.

Senior industrial designer Bart Andre, Apple’s longest-term employee, announced that he was preparing to retire in a note he sent to his colleagues. In 1992, as we are used to Apple aesthetics Bartre joined Apple with Jony Ive to create for 32 years He was working at Apple. So much so that Steve Jobs was still on the company staff even when he returned to Apple in the late 1990s.

Member of Ive’s senior team BartreApple will leave after Evans Hankey leaves in 2023 Responsible for the operation of the design department had happened. It was also stated that he held a significant portion of Apple patents. Bartre will retire later this month.

No one from Ive’s era remains

The design team led by Jony Ive, After Ive’s separation It has been almost completely renovated. Many people on the team had left Apple. With Bartre’s departure, no one from the senior team working at that time will remain under the Apple roof. Thus, it will be the end of an era at Apple.


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After Bartre, the person who will head the industrial design department of the company is COO Jeff Williams It looks like it will happen. Sources close to the issue state that the appointment of a person working in the operations department to head a department focused on design and innovation creates unrest. Taken together with the recent layoffs in the company, this decision shows that the company may be going through a difficult period.

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