Anomus Fights Corruption in Mainstream Media

Anomus is a platform dedicated to exposing the rot that has invaded mainstream media channels. The team behind it and the venture capitalist who invested in the project truly believe in providing the world with community-verifiable reporting and a journalism platform that is forever protected by Blockchain technology; this will end the age of centralized media that has emerged with biased, false agendas.

Anomus special sale round about to end

Anomus’ private sale round is about to come to an end with the intense interest of already registered investors. The project’s core concepts, what it aims to achieve, and its stance on maintaining anonymity for its users and investors have garnered many strategic partners and supporters over the past few months, and snowballed the project’s success. This signals more investors interested in joining the bandwagon to undo the influence of the mainstream media and its corrupt agendas.

Absolute power necessarily corrupts

We currently live in a world where centralized media have absolute power over the information we read and absorb every day. As Sir John Dalberg-Acton once said, “Absolute power corrupts absolutely”. It’s time to get rid of these norms that give this central media and their lobbies power over our minds and hearts.

The world needs an autonomous and decentralized system that is not too influenced and disrupted by the needs of a single person or even a group of people. The world needs a system that will always outweigh everyone’s needs in a consensus model that reflects the needs of you and the society in which we live.

Freedom of expression, freedom of the press

Anomus is a one-of-a-kind and much-needed alternative to mainstream media disruption. He believes in shifting the balance of power from these centralized corporations that control the media and bestow it on the people. Anomus is ambitious, noble, and inevitable. Because the need for this system will always exist as long as we are exposed to corrupt, tainted reporting and journalism standards that violate every human right.

Freedom of expression is embedded in our soul; we will always want to say how we feel and perceive the world around us. Anomus is a step towards a world that can legitimately express itself without the constraints and limitations of those who want you and us to perceive a certain false reality.

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Anomus will be a way of life for many people who want to report and journalists who want to work while adhering to the principles of free speech. Anomus will provide people with an alternative that will work for the community and be rewarded by the community.

What is anomas?

Anomus is a decentralized news protocol for the world. It was created to make news reporting fair, unbiased and balanced again. It aims to create an environment where publishers can protect their work on Blockchains, where it will be permanently recorded and accessible worldwide, while protecting the publisher’s intellectual property and property. The system will reward publishers, reviewers (Accuracy Checkers) and readers with ANOM tokens for creating, moderating and interacting with published content through a set of purpose-built mechanics to keep Anomus alive and engaging for all users.

The Anomus project aims to be a self-governing, self-sustaining platform that will encourage its users to adhere to the “Anomus Principles”. The Anomus team created the Anomus principles to ensure that freedom of expression and a free press are protected for all its users, while preventing the spread of misinformation, fake news and reports to the community.

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To protect the interests of its investors, Anomus will create an ecosystem that mainstream media fails to achieve due to its corporate and lobbyist agendas that push certain biased information to the public regardless of its authenticity. Anomus, on the other hand, will provide community moderated and verified content to its users, without the possibility of the content being influenced by any agenda, hidden or announced.

The Anomus project will use permaweb to ensure that all published articles always remain accessible. Use of Permaweb will sustain the ecosystem and attract publishers, knowing that their content will not be subject to any manipulation or removal by any person, organization or government.

About Permaweb

Permaweb is a collection of data, web pages and decentralized applications available on Blockweave and accessible via standard web browsers. Permaweb is essentially a collection of interconnected documents and applications similar to the traditional web, except that all material is permanent.

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What are the benefits of joining Anomus?

Anomus is the first of its kind and brings complete freedom to writers, journalists and news reporters through:

  • Publishers can maintain their privacy and anonymity while protecting their intellectual property rights over their work.
  • Published work verified by auditors and the community is stored on the Blockchain forever.
  • Become part of a self-governing entity with no hidden agendas.
  • Get rewarded for your work by the community and the system.

Join Anomus now and be a part of the movement against corruption and censorship. Truth is inevitable. You can follow Anomus on the following platforms

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